"""Tables are sequences of labeled columns."""
__all__ = ['Table']
import abc
import collections
import collections.abc
import copy
import functools
import inspect
import itertools
import numbers
import urllib.parse
import warnings
import numpy as np
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas
import IPython
# import plotly.graph_objects as go
# from plotly.subplots import make_subplots
import datascience.formats as _formats
import datascience.util as _util
from datascience.util import make_array
import datascience.predicates as _predicates
# initializing go and make_subplots as globals set to None
go, make_subplots = None, None
# Set numpy printoptions to legacy to get around error terms, as described in
# https://github.com/data-8/datascience/issues/491
class Table(collections.abc.MutableMapping):
"""A sequence of string-labeled columns."""
plots = collections.deque(maxlen=10)
def __init__(self, labels=None, formatter=_formats.default_formatter):
"""Create an empty table with column labels.
>>> tiles = Table(make_array('letter', 'count', 'points'))
>>> tiles
letter | count | points
``labels`` (list of strings): The column labels.
``formatter`` (Formatter): An instance of :class:`Formatter` that
formats the columns' values.
self._columns = collections.OrderedDict()
self._formats = dict()
self.formatter = formatter
labels = labels if labels is not None else []
columns = [[] for _ in labels]
self._num_rows = 0 if len(columns) == 0 else len(columns[0])
# Add each column to table
for column, label in zip(columns, labels):
self[label] = column
self.take = _RowTaker(self)
self.exclude = _RowExcluder(self)
# Deprecated
def from_rows(cls, rows, labels):
"""Create a table from a sequence of rows (fixed-length sequences). [Deprecated]"""
warnings.warn("Table.from_rows is deprecated. Use Table(labels).with_rows(...)", FutureWarning)
return cls(labels).with_rows(rows)
def from_records(cls, records):
"""Create a table from a sequence of records (dicts with fixed keys).
records: A list of dictionaries with same keys.
If the list is empty, it will return an empty table.
Otherwise, it will return a table with the dictionary's keys as the column name, and the corresponding data.
If the dictionaries do not have identical keys, the keys of the first dictionary in the list is used.
>>> t = Table().from_records([
... {'column1':'data1','column2':1},
... {'column1':'data2','column2':2},
... {'column1':'data3','column2':3}
... ])
>>> t
column1 | column2
data1 | 1
data2 | 2
data3 | 3
if not records:
return cls()
labels = sorted(list(records[0].keys()))
columns = [[rec[label] for rec in records] for label in labels]
return cls().with_columns(zip(labels, columns))
# Deprecated
def from_columns_dict(cls, columns):
"""Create a table from a mapping of column labels to column values. [Deprecated]"""
warnings.warn("Table.from_columns_dict is deprecated. Use Table().with_columns(...)", FutureWarning)
return cls().with_columns(columns.items())
def read_table(cls, filepath_or_buffer, *args, **vargs):
"""Read a table from a file or web address.
filepath_or_buffer -- string or file handle / StringIO; The string
could be a URL. Valid URL schemes include http,
ftp, s3, and file.
a table read from argument
>>> Table.read_table('https://www.inferentialthinking.com/data/sat2014.csv')
State | Participation Rate | Critical Reading | Math | Writing | Combined
North Dakota | 2.3 | 612 | 620 | 584 | 1816
Illinois | 4.6 | 599 | 616 | 587 | 1802
Iowa | 3.1 | 605 | 611 | 578 | 1794
South Dakota | 2.9 | 604 | 609 | 579 | 1792
Minnesota | 5.9 | 598 | 610 | 578 | 1786
Michigan | 3.8 | 593 | 610 | 581 | 1784
Wisconsin | 3.9 | 596 | 608 | 578 | 1782
Missouri | 4.2 | 595 | 597 | 579 | 1771
Wyoming | 3.3 | 590 | 599 | 573 | 1762
Kansas | 5.3 | 591 | 596 | 566 | 1753
... (41 rows omitted)
# Look for .csv at the end of the path; use "," as a separator if found
path = urllib.parse.urlparse(filepath_or_buffer).path
if 'data8.berkeley.edu' in filepath_or_buffer:
raise ValueError('data8.berkeley.edu requires authentication, '
'which is not supported.')
except AttributeError:
path = filepath_or_buffer
if 'sep' not in vargs and path.endswith('.csv'):
vargs['sep'] = ','
except AttributeError:
df = pandas.read_csv(filepath_or_buffer, *args, **vargs)
return cls.from_df(df)
def _with_columns(self, columns):
"""Create a table from a sequence of columns, copying column labels."""
table = type(self)()
for label, column in zip(self.labels, columns):
self._add_column_and_format(table, label, column)
return table
def _add_column_and_format(self, table, label, column):
"""Add a column to table, copying the formatter from self."""
label = self._as_label(label)
table[label] = column
if label in self._formats:
table._formats[label] = self._formats[label]
def from_df(cls, df, keep_index=False):
"""Convert a Pandas DataFrame into a Table.
df -- Pandas DataFrame utilized for creation of Table
`keep_index` -- keeps the index of the DataFrame
and turns it into a column called `index` in the new Table
a table from Pandas Dataframe in argument
>>> sample_DF = pandas.DataFrame(
... data = zip([1,2,3],['a','b','c'],['data1','data2','data3']),
... columns = ['column1','column2','column3']
... )
>>> sample_DF
column1 column2 column3
0 1 a data1
1 2 b data2
2 3 c data3
>>> t = Table().from_df(sample_DF)
>>> t
column1 | column2 | column3
1 | a | data1
2 | b | data2
3 | c | data3
t = cls()
if keep_index:
t.append_column("index", df.index.values)
labels = df.columns
for label in labels:
t.append_column(label, df[label])
return t
def from_array(cls, arr):
"""Convert a structured NumPy array into a Table.
arr -- A structured NumPy array
A table with the field names as the column names and the corresponding data.
>>> arr = np.array([
... ('A',1), ('B',2)],
... dtype=[('Name', 'U10'), ('Number', 'i4')]
... )
>>> arr
array([('A', 1), ('B', 2)], dtype=[('Name', '<U10'), ('Number', '<i4')])
>>> t = Table().from_array(arr)
>>> t
Name | Number
A | 1
B | 2
return cls().with_columns([(f, arr[f]) for f in arr.dtype.names])
# Magic Methods #
def __getitem__(self, index_or_label):
return self.column(index_or_label)
def __setitem__(self, index_or_label, values):
self.append_column(index_or_label, values)
def __delitem__(self, index_or_label):
label = self._as_label(index_or_label)
del self._columns[label]
if label in self._formats:
del self._formats[label]
def __len__(self):
return len(self._columns)
def __iter__(self):
return iter(self.labels)
# Accessing Values #
def num_rows(self):
Computes the number of rows in a table
integer value stating number of rows
>>> t = Table().with_columns({
... 'letter': ['a', 'b', 'c', 'z'],
... 'count': [ 9, 3, 3, 1],
... 'points': [ 1, 2, 2, 10],
... })
>>> t.num_rows
return self._num_rows
def rows(self):
Return a view of all rows.
list-like Rows object that contains tuple-like Row objects
>>> t = Table().with_columns({
... 'letter': ['a', 'b', 'c', 'z'],
... 'count': [ 9, 3, 3, 1],
... 'points': [ 1, 2, 2, 10],
... })
>>> t.rows
Rows(letter | count | points
a | 9 | 1
b | 3 | 2
c | 3 | 2
z | 1 | 10)
return self.Rows(self)
def row(self, index):
Return a row.
Please see extended docstring at https://github.com/data-8/datascience/blob/614db00e7d22e52683860d2beaa4037bec26cf87/datascience/tables.py#L5673-L5765
for how to interact with Rows.
return self.rows[index]
def labels(self):
Return a tuple of column labels.
tuple of labels
>>> t = Table().with_columns({
... 'letter': ['a', 'b', 'c', 'z'],
... 'count': [ 9, 3, 3, 1],
... 'points': [ 1, 2, 2, 10],
... })
>>> t.labels
('letter', 'count', 'points')
return tuple(self._columns.keys())
def num_columns(self):
"""Number of columns."""
return len(self.labels)
def columns(self):
Return a tuple of columns, each with the values in that column.
tuple of columns
>>> t = Table().with_columns({
... 'letter': ['a', 'b', 'c', 'z'],
... 'count': [ 9, 3, 3, 1],
... 'points': [ 1, 2, 2, 10],
... })
>>> t.columns
(array(['a', 'b', 'c', 'z'], dtype='<U1'),
array([9, 3, 3, 1]),
array([ 1, 2, 2, 10]))
return tuple(self._columns.values())
def column(self, index_or_label):
"""Return the values of a column as an array.
table.column(label) is equivalent to table[label].
>>> tiles = Table().with_columns(
... 'letter', make_array('c', 'd'),
... 'count', make_array(2, 4),
... )
>>> list(tiles.column('letter'))
['c', 'd']
>>> tiles.column(1)
array([2, 4])
label (int or str): The index or label of a column
An instance of ``numpy.array``.
``ValueError``: When the ``index_or_label`` is not in the table.
if (isinstance(index_or_label, str)
and index_or_label not in self.labels):
raise ValueError(
'The column "{}" is not in the table. The table contains '
'these columns: {}'
.format(index_or_label, ', '.join(self.labels))
if (isinstance(index_or_label, int)
and not 0 <= index_or_label < len(self.labels)):
raise ValueError(
'The index {} is not in the table. Only indices between '
'0 and {} are valid'
.format(index_or_label, len(self.labels) - 1)
return self._columns[self._as_label(index_or_label)]
def values(self):
"""Return data in `self` as a numpy array.
If all columns are the same dtype, the resulting array
will have this dtype. If there are >1 dtypes in columns,
then the resulting array will have dtype `object`.
>>> tiles = Table().with_columns(
... 'letter', make_array('c', 'd'),
... 'count', make_array(2, 4),
... )
>>> tiles.values
array([['c', 2],
['d', 4]], dtype=object)
>>> t = Table().with_columns(
... 'col1', make_array(1, 2),
... 'col2', make_array(3, 4),
... )
>>> t.values
array([[1, 3],
[2, 4]])
dtypes = [col.dtype for col in self.columns]
if len(set(dtypes)) > 1:
dtype = object
dtype = None
return np.array(self.columns, dtype=dtype).T
def column_index(self, label):
Return the index of a column by looking up its label.
``label`` (str) -- label value of a column
integer value specifying the index of the column label
>>> t = Table().with_columns({
... 'letter': ['a', 'b', 'c', 'z'],
... 'count': [ 9, 3, 3, 1],
... 'points': [ 1, 2, 2, 10],
... })
>>> t.column_index('letter')
return self.labels.index(label)
def apply(self, fn, *column_or_columns):
"""Apply ``fn`` to each element or elements of ``column_or_columns``.
If no ``column_or_columns`` provided, `fn`` is applied to each row.
``fn`` (function) -- The function to apply to each element
of ``column_or_columns``.
``column_or_columns`` -- Columns containing the arguments to ``fn``
as either column labels (``str``) or column indices (``int``).
The number of columns must match the number of arguments
that ``fn`` expects.
``ValueError`` -- if ``column_label`` is not an existing
column in the table.
``TypeError`` -- if insufficient number of ``column_label`` passed
to ``fn``.
An array consisting of results of applying ``fn`` to elements
specified by ``column_label`` in each row.
>>> t = Table().with_columns(
... 'letter', make_array('a', 'b', 'c', 'z'),
... 'count', make_array(9, 3, 3, 1),
... 'points', make_array(1, 2, 2, 10))
>>> t
letter | count | points
a | 9 | 1
b | 3 | 2
c | 3 | 2
z | 1 | 10
>>> t.apply(lambda x: x - 1, 'points')
array([0, 1, 1, 9])
>>> t.apply(lambda x, y: x * y, 'count', 'points')
array([ 9, 6, 6, 10])
>>> t.apply(lambda x: x - 1, 'count', 'points')
Traceback (most recent call last):
TypeError: <lambda>() takes 1 positional argument but 2 were given
>>> t.apply(lambda x: x - 1, 'counts')
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: The column "counts" is not in the table. The table contains these columns: letter, count, points
Whole rows are passed to the function if no columns are specified.
>>> t.apply(lambda row: row[1] * 2)
array([18, 6, 6, 2])
if not column_or_columns:
return np.array([fn(row) for row in self.rows])
if len(column_or_columns) == 1 and \
"column lists are deprecated; pass each as an argument", FutureWarning)
column_or_columns = column_or_columns[0]
rows = zip(*self.select(*column_or_columns).columns)
return np.array([fn(*row) for row in rows])
def first(self, label):
Return the zeroth item in a column.
``label`` (str) -- value of column label
zeroth item of column
>>> t = Table().with_columns({
... 'letter': ['a', 'b', 'c', 'z'],
... 'count': [ 9, 3, 3, 1],
... 'points': [ 1, 2, 2, 10],
... })
>>> t.first('letter')
return self.column(label)[0]
def last(self, label):
Return the last item in a column.
``label`` (str) -- value of column label
last item of column
>>> t = Table().with_columns({
... 'letter': ['a', 'b', 'c', 'z'],
... 'count': [ 9, 3, 3, 1],
... 'points': [ 1, 2, 2, 10],
... })
>>> t.last('letter')
return self.column(label)[-1]
# Mutation #
def move_to_start(self, column_label):
Move a column to be the first column.
The following example moves column C to be the first column. Note, move_to_start
not only returns the original table with the column moved but, it also moves
the column in the original. This is what's known as an inplace operation.
>>> table = Table().with_columns(
... "A", make_array(1, 2, 3, 4),
... "B", make_array("foo", "bar", "baz", "bat"),
... "C", make_array('a', 'b', 'c', 'd'))
>>> table
A | B | C
1 | foo | a
2 | bar | b
3 | baz | c
4 | bat | d
>>> table.move_to_start("C")
C | A | B
a | 1 | foo
b | 2 | bar
c | 3 | baz
d | 4 | bat
>>> table
C | A | B
a | 1 | foo
b | 2 | bar
c | 3 | baz
d | 4 | bat
self._columns.move_to_end(self._as_label(column_label), last=False)
return self
def move_to_end(self, column_label):
Move a column to be the last column.
The following example moves column A to be the last column. Note, move_to_end
not only returns the original table with the column moved but, it also moves
the column in the original. This is what's known as an inplace operation.
>>> table = Table().with_columns(
... "A", make_array(1, 2, 3, 4),
... "B", make_array("foo", "bar", "baz", "bat"),
... "C", make_array('a', 'b', 'c', 'd'))
>>> table
A | B | C
1 | foo | a
2 | bar | b
3 | baz | c
4 | bat | d
>>> table.move_to_end("A")
B | C | A
foo | a | 1
bar | b | 2
baz | c | 3
bat | d | 4
>>> table
B | C | A
foo | a | 1
bar | b | 2
baz | c | 3
bat | d | 4
return self
def append(self, row_or_table):
Append a row or all rows of a table in place. An appended table must have all
columns of self.
The following example appends a row record to the table,
followed by appending a table having all columns of self.
>>> table = Table().with_columns(
... "A", make_array(1),
... "B", make_array("foo"),
... "C", make_array('a'))
>>> table
A | B | C
1 | foo | a
>>> table.append([2, "bar", 'b'])
A | B | C
1 | foo | a
2 | bar | b
>>> table
A | B | C
1 | foo | a
2 | bar | b
>>> table.append(Table().with_columns(
... "A", make_array(3, 4),
... "B", make_array("baz", "bat"),
... "C", make_array('c', 'd')))
A | B | C
1 | foo | a
2 | bar | b
3 | baz | c
4 | bat | d
>>> table
A | B | C
1 | foo | a
2 | bar | b
3 | baz | c
4 | bat | d
if isinstance(row_or_table, np.ndarray):
row_or_table = row_or_table.tolist()
elif not row_or_table:
if isinstance(row_or_table, Table):
t = row_or_table
columns = list(t.select(self.labels)._columns.values())
n = t.num_rows
if (len(list(row_or_table)) != self.num_columns):
raise Exception('Row should have '+ str(self.num_columns) + " columns")
columns, n = [[value] for value in row_or_table], 1
for i, column in enumerate(self._columns):
if self.num_rows:
self._columns[column] = np.append(self[column], columns[i])
self._columns[column] = np.array(columns[i])
self._num_rows += n
return self
def append_column(self, label, values, formatter=None):
"""Appends a column to the table or replaces a column.
``__setitem__`` is aliased to this method:
``table.append_column('new_col', make_array(1, 2, 3))`` is equivalent to
``table['new_col'] = make_array(1, 2, 3)``.
``label`` (str): The label of the new column.
``values`` (single value or list/array): If a single value, every
value in the new column is ``values``.
If a list or array, the new column contains the values in
``values``, which must be the same length as the table.
``formatter`` (single formatter): Adds a formatter to the column being
appended. No formatter added by default.
Original table with new or replaced column
``ValueError``: If
- ``label`` is not a string.
- ``values`` is a list/array and does not have the same length
as the number of rows in the table.
>>> table = Table().with_columns(
... 'letter', make_array('a', 'b', 'c', 'z'),
... 'count', make_array(9, 3, 3, 1),
... 'points', make_array(1, 2, 2, 10))
>>> table
letter | count | points
a | 9 | 1
b | 3 | 2
c | 3 | 2
z | 1 | 10
>>> table.append_column('new_col1', make_array(10, 20, 30, 40))
letter | count | points | new_col1
a | 9 | 1 | 10
b | 3 | 2 | 20
c | 3 | 2 | 30
z | 1 | 10 | 40
>>> table.append_column('new_col2', 'hello')
letter | count | points | new_col1 | new_col2
a | 9 | 1 | 10 | hello
b | 3 | 2 | 20 | hello
c | 3 | 2 | 30 | hello
z | 1 | 10 | 40 | hello
>>> table.append_column(123, make_array(1, 2, 3, 4))
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: The column label must be a string, but a int was given
>>> table.append_column('bad_col', [1, 2])
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: Column length mismatch. New column does not have the same number of rows as table.
# TODO(sam): Allow append_column to take in a another table, copying
# over formatter as needed.
if not isinstance(label, str):
raise ValueError('The column label must be a string, but a '
'{} was given'.format(label.__class__.__name__))
if not isinstance(values, np.ndarray):
# Coerce a single value to a sequence
if not _util.is_non_string_iterable(values):
values = [values] * max(self.num_rows, 1)
# Manually cast `values` as an object due to this: https://github.com/data-8/datascience/issues/458
if any(_util.is_non_string_iterable(el) for el in values):
values = np.array(tuple(values), dtype=object)
values = np.array(tuple(values))
if self.num_rows != 0 and len(values) != self.num_rows:
raise ValueError('Column length mismatch. New column does not have '
'the same number of rows as table.')
self._num_rows = len(values)
self._columns[label] = values
if (formatter != None):
self.set_format(label, formatter)
return self
def relabel(self, column_label, new_label):
"""Changes the label(s) of column(s) specified by ``column_label`` to
labels in ``new_label``.
``column_label`` -- (single str or array of str) The label(s) of
columns to be changed to ``new_label``.
``new_label`` -- (single str or array of str): The label name(s)
of columns to replace ``column_label``.
``ValueError`` -- if ``column_label`` is not in table, or if
``column_label`` and ``new_label`` are not of equal length.
``TypeError`` -- if ``column_label`` and/or ``new_label`` is not
Original table with ``new_label`` in place of ``column_label``.
>>> table = Table().with_columns(
... 'points', make_array(1, 2, 3),
... 'id', make_array(12345, 123, 5123))
>>> table.relabel('id', 'yolo')
points | yolo
1 | 12345
2 | 123
3 | 5123
>>> table.relabel(make_array('points', 'yolo'),
... make_array('red', 'blue'))
red | blue
1 | 12345
2 | 123
3 | 5123
>>> table.relabel(make_array('red', 'green', 'blue'),
... make_array('cyan', 'magenta', 'yellow', 'key'))
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: Invalid arguments. column_label and new_label must be of equal length.
if isinstance(column_label, numbers.Integral):
column_label = self._as_label(column_label)
if isinstance(column_label, str) and isinstance(new_label, str):
column_label, new_label = [column_label], [new_label]
if len(column_label) != len(new_label):
raise ValueError('Invalid arguments. column_label and new_label '
'must be of equal length.')
old_to_new = dict(zip(column_label, new_label)) # maps old labels to new ones
for label in column_label:
if not (label in self.labels):
raise ValueError('Invalid labels. Column labels must '
'already exist in table in order to be replaced.')
rewrite = lambda s: old_to_new[s] if s in old_to_new else s
columns = [(rewrite(s), c) for s, c in self._columns.items()]
self._columns = collections.OrderedDict(columns)
for label in column_label:
# TODO(denero) Error when old and new columns share a name
if label in self._formats:
formatter = self._formats.pop(label)
self._formats[old_to_new[label]] = formatter
return self
def remove(self, row_or_row_indices):
Removes a row or multiple rows of a table in place (row number is 0 indexed).
If row_or_row_indices is not int or list, no changes will be made to the table.
The following example removes 2nd row (row_or_row_indices = 1), followed by removing 2nd
and 3rd rows (row_or_row_indices = [1, 2]).
>>> table = Table().with_columns(
... "A", make_array(1, 2, 3, 4),
... "B", make_array("foo", "bar", "baz", "bat"),
... "C", make_array('a', 'b', 'c', 'd'))
>>> table
A | B | C
1 | foo | a
2 | bar | b
3 | baz | c
4 | bat | d
>>> table.remove(1)
A | B | C
1 | foo | a
3 | baz | c
4 | bat | d
>>> table
A | B | C
1 | foo | a
3 | baz | c
4 | bat | d
>>> table.remove([1, 2])
A | B | C
1 | foo | a
>>> table
A | B | C
1 | foo | a
if not row_or_row_indices and not isinstance(row_or_row_indices, int):
if isinstance(row_or_row_indices, int):
rows_remove = [row_or_row_indices]
rows_remove = row_or_row_indices
for col in self._columns:
self._columns[col] = np.array([elem for i, elem in enumerate(self[col]) if i not in rows_remove])
self._num_rows -= len(rows_remove)
return self
# Transformation #
def copy(self, *, shallow=False):
Return a copy of a table.
``shallow``: perform a shallow copy
A copy of the table.
By default, copy performs a deep copy of the original table. This means that
it constructs a new object and recursively inserts copies into it of the objects
found in the original. Note in the following example, table_copy is a deep copy
of original_table so when original_table is updated it does not change
table_copy as it does not contain reference's to orignal_tables objects
due to the deep copy.
>>> value = ["foo"]
>>> original_table = Table().with_columns(
... "A", make_array(1, 2, 3),
... "B", make_array(value, ["foo", "bar"], ["foo"]),
... )
>>> original_table
A | B
1 | ['foo']
2 | ['foo', 'bar']
3 | ['foo']
>>> table_copy = original_table.copy()
>>> table_copy
A | B
1 | ['foo']
2 | ['foo', 'bar']
3 | ['foo']
>>> value.append("bar")
>>> original_table
A | B
1 | ['foo', 'bar']
2 | ['foo', 'bar']
3 | ['foo']
>>> table_copy
A | B
1 | ['foo']
2 | ['foo', 'bar']
3 | ['foo']
By contrast, when a shallow copy is performed, a new object is constructed and
references are inserted into it to the objects found in the original. Note in
the following example how the update to original_table occurs in both
table_shallow_copy and original_table because table_shallow_copy contains
references to the original_table.
>>> value = ["foo"]
>>> original_table = Table().with_columns(
... "A", make_array(1, 2, 3),
... "B", make_array(value, ["foo", "bar"], ["foo"]),
... )
>>> original_table
A | B
1 | ['foo']
2 | ['foo', 'bar']
3 | ['foo']
>>> table_shallow_copy = original_table.copy(shallow=True)
>>> table_shallow_copy
A | B
1 | ['foo']
2 | ['foo', 'bar']
3 | ['foo']
>>> value.append("bar")
>>> original_table
A | B
1 | ['foo', 'bar']
2 | ['foo', 'bar']
3 | ['foo']
>>> table_shallow_copy
A | B
1 | ['foo', 'bar']
2 | ['foo', 'bar']
3 | ['foo']
table = type(self)()
for label in self.labels:
if shallow:
column = self[label]
column = copy.deepcopy(self[label])
self._add_column_and_format(table, label, column)
return table
def select(self, *column_or_columns):
"""Return a table with only the columns in ``column_or_columns``.
``column_or_columns``: Columns to select from the ``Table`` as
either column labels (``str``) or column indices (``int``).
A new instance of ``Table`` containing only selected columns.
The columns of the new ``Table`` are in the order given in
``KeyError`` if any of ``column_or_columns`` are not in the table.
>>> flowers = Table().with_columns(
... 'Number of petals', make_array(8, 34, 5),
... 'Name', make_array('lotus', 'sunflower', 'rose'),
... 'Weight', make_array(10, 5, 6)
... )
>>> flowers
Number of petals | Name | Weight
8 | lotus | 10
34 | sunflower | 5
5 | rose | 6
>>> flowers.select('Number of petals', 'Weight')
Number of petals | Weight
8 | 10
34 | 5
5 | 6
>>> flowers # original table unchanged
Number of petals | Name | Weight
8 | lotus | 10
34 | sunflower | 5
5 | rose | 6
>>> flowers.select(0, 2)
Number of petals | Weight
8 | 10
34 | 5
5 | 6
labels = self._varargs_as_labels(column_or_columns)
table = type(self)()
for label in labels:
self._add_column_and_format(table, label, np.copy(self[label]))
return table
# These, along with a snippet below, are necessary for Sphinx to
# correctly load the `take` and `exclude` docstrings. The definitions
# will be over-ridden during class instantiation.
def take(self):
raise NotImplementedError()
def exclude(self):
raise NotImplementedError()
def drop(self, *column_or_columns):
"""Return a Table with only columns other than selected label or
``column_or_columns`` (string or list of strings): The header
names or indices of the columns to be dropped.
``column_or_columns`` must be an existing header name, or a
valid column index.
An instance of ``Table`` with given columns removed.
>>> t = Table().with_columns(
... 'burgers', make_array('cheeseburger', 'hamburger', 'veggie burger'),
... 'prices', make_array(6, 5, 5),
... 'calories', make_array(743, 651, 582))
>>> t
burgers | prices | calories
cheeseburger | 6 | 743
hamburger | 5 | 651
veggie burger | 5 | 582
>>> t.drop('prices')
burgers | calories
cheeseburger | 743
hamburger | 651
veggie burger | 582
>>> t.drop(['burgers', 'calories'])
>>> t.drop('burgers', 'calories')
>>> t.drop([0, 2])
>>> t.drop(0, 2)
>>> t.drop(1)
burgers | calories
cheeseburger | 743
hamburger | 651
veggie burger | 582
exclude = _varargs_labels_as_list(column_or_columns)
return self.select([c for (i, c) in enumerate(self.labels)
if i not in exclude and c not in exclude])
def where(self, column_or_label, value_or_predicate=None, other=None):
Return a new ``Table`` containing rows where ``value_or_predicate``
returns True for values in ``column_or_label``.
``column_or_label``: A column of the ``Table`` either as a label
(``str``) or an index (``int``). Can also be an array of booleans;
only the rows where the array value is ``True`` are kept.
``value_or_predicate``: If a function, it is applied to every value
in ``column_or_label``. Only the rows where ``value_or_predicate``
returns True are kept. If a single value, only the rows where the
values in ``column_or_label`` are equal to ``value_or_predicate``
are kept.
``other``: Optional additional column label for
``value_or_predicate`` to make pairwise comparisons. See the
examples below for usage. When ``other`` is supplied,
``value_or_predicate`` must be a callable function.
If ``value_or_predicate`` is a function, returns a new ``Table``
containing only the rows where ``value_or_predicate(val)`` is True
for the ``val``s in ``column_or_label``.
If ``value_or_predicate`` is a value, returns a new ``Table``
containing only the rows where the values in ``column_or_label``
are equal to ``value_or_predicate``.
If ``column_or_label`` is an array of booleans, returns a new
``Table`` containing only the rows where ``column_or_label`` is
>>> marbles = Table().with_columns(
... "Color", make_array("Red", "Green", "Blue",
... "Red", "Green", "Green"),
... "Shape", make_array("Round", "Rectangular", "Rectangular",
... "Round", "Rectangular", "Round"),
... "Amount", make_array(4, 6, 12, 7, 9, 2),
... "Price", make_array(1.30, 1.20, 2.00, 1.75, 0, 3.00))
>>> marbles
Color | Shape | Amount | Price
Red | Round | 4 | 1.3
Green | Rectangular | 6 | 1.2
Blue | Rectangular | 12 | 2
Red | Round | 7 | 1.75
Green | Rectangular | 9 | 0
Green | Round | 2 | 3
Use a value to select matching rows
>>> marbles.where("Price", 1.3)
Color | Shape | Amount | Price
Red | Round | 4 | 1.3
In general, a higher order predicate function such as the functions in
``datascience.predicates.are`` can be used.
>>> from datascience.predicates import are
>>> # equivalent to previous example
>>> marbles.where("Price", are.equal_to(1.3))
Color | Shape | Amount | Price
Red | Round | 4 | 1.3
>>> marbles.where("Price", are.above(1.5))
Color | Shape | Amount | Price
Blue | Rectangular | 12 | 2
Red | Round | 7 | 1.75
Green | Round | 2 | 3
Use the optional argument ``other`` to apply predicates to compare
>>> marbles.where("Price", are.above, "Amount")
Color | Shape | Amount | Price
Green | Round | 2 | 3
>>> marbles.where("Price", are.equal_to, "Amount") # empty table
Color | Shape | Amount | Price
column = self._get_column(column_or_label)
if other is not None:
assert callable(value_or_predicate), "Predicate required for 3-arg where"
predicate = value_or_predicate
other = self._get_column(other)
column = [predicate(y)(x) for x, y in zip(column, other)]
elif value_or_predicate is not None:
if not callable(value_or_predicate):
predicate = _predicates.are.equal_to(value_or_predicate)
predicate = value_or_predicate
column = [predicate(x) for x in column]
return self.take(np.nonzero(column)[0])
def sort(self, column_or_label, descending=False, distinct=False):
"""Return a Table of rows sorted according to the values in a column.
``column_or_label``: the column whose values are used for sorting.
``descending``: if True, sorting will be in descending, rather than
ascending order.
``distinct``: if True, repeated values in ``column_or_label`` will
be omitted.
An instance of ``Table`` containing rows sorted based on the values
in ``column_or_label``.
>>> marbles = Table().with_columns(
... "Color", make_array("Red", "Green", "Blue", "Red", "Green", "Green"),
... "Shape", make_array("Round", "Rectangular", "Rectangular", "Round", "Rectangular", "Round"),
... "Amount", make_array(4, 6, 12, 7, 9, 2),
... "Price", make_array(1.30, 1.30, 2.00, 1.75, 1.40, 1.00))
>>> marbles
Color | Shape | Amount | Price
Red | Round | 4 | 1.3
Green | Rectangular | 6 | 1.3
Blue | Rectangular | 12 | 2
Red | Round | 7 | 1.75
Green | Rectangular | 9 | 1.4
Green | Round | 2 | 1
>>> marbles.sort("Amount")
Color | Shape | Amount | Price
Green | Round | 2 | 1
Red | Round | 4 | 1.3
Green | Rectangular | 6 | 1.3
Red | Round | 7 | 1.75
Green | Rectangular | 9 | 1.4
Blue | Rectangular | 12 | 2
>>> marbles.sort("Amount", descending = True)
Color | Shape | Amount | Price
Blue | Rectangular | 12 | 2
Green | Rectangular | 9 | 1.4
Red | Round | 7 | 1.75
Green | Rectangular | 6 | 1.3
Red | Round | 4 | 1.3
Green | Round | 2 | 1
>>> marbles.sort(3) # the Price column
Color | Shape | Amount | Price
Green | Round | 2 | 1
Red | Round | 4 | 1.3
Green | Rectangular | 6 | 1.3
Green | Rectangular | 9 | 1.4
Red | Round | 7 | 1.75
Blue | Rectangular | 12 | 2
>>> marbles.sort(3, distinct = True)
Color | Shape | Amount | Price
Green | Round | 2 | 1
Red | Round | 4 | 1.3
Green | Rectangular | 9 | 1.4
Red | Round | 7 | 1.75
Blue | Rectangular | 12 | 2
column = self._get_column(column_or_label)
if distinct:
_, row_numbers = np.unique(column, return_index=True)
if descending:
row_numbers = np.array(row_numbers[::-1])
if descending:
# In order to not reverse the original row order in case of ties,
# do the following:
# 1. Reverse the original array.
# 2. Sort the array in ascending order.
# 3. Invert the array indices via: len - 1 - indice.
# 4. Reverse the array so that it is in descending order.
column = column[::-1]
row_numbers = np.argsort(column, axis=0, kind='mergesort')
row_numbers = len(row_numbers) - 1 - row_numbers
row_numbers = np.array(row_numbers[::-1])
row_numbers = np.argsort(column, axis=0, kind='mergesort')
assert (row_numbers < self.num_rows).all(), row_numbers
return self.take(row_numbers)
def group(self, column_or_label, collect=None):
"""Group rows by unique values in a column; count or aggregate others.
``column_or_label``: values to group (column label or index, or array)
``collect``: a function applied to values in other columns for each group
A Table with each row corresponding to a unique value in ``column_or_label``,
where the first column contains the unique values from ``column_or_label``, and the
second contains counts for each of the unique values. If ``collect`` is
provided, a Table is returned with all original columns, each containing values
calculated by first grouping rows according to ``column_or_label``, then applying
``collect`` to each set of grouped values in the other columns.
The grouped column will appear first in the result table. If ``collect`` does not
accept arguments with one of the column types, that column will be empty in the resulting
>>> marbles = Table().with_columns(
... "Color", make_array("Red", "Green", "Blue", "Red", "Green", "Green"),
... "Shape", make_array("Round", "Rectangular", "Rectangular", "Round", "Rectangular", "Round"),
... "Amount", make_array(4, 6, 12, 7, 9, 2),
... "Price", make_array(1.30, 1.30, 2.00, 1.75, 1.40, 1.00))
>>> marbles
Color | Shape | Amount | Price
Red | Round | 4 | 1.3
Green | Rectangular | 6 | 1.3
Blue | Rectangular | 12 | 2
Red | Round | 7 | 1.75
Green | Rectangular | 9 | 1.4
Green | Round | 2 | 1
>>> marbles.group("Color") # just gives counts
Color | count
Blue | 1
Green | 3
Red | 2
>>> marbles.group("Color", max) # takes the max of each grouping, in each column
Color | Shape max | Amount max | Price max
Blue | Rectangular | 12 | 2
Green | Round | 9 | 1.4
Red | Round | 7 | 1.75
>>> marbles.group("Shape", sum) # sum doesn't make sense for strings
Shape | Color sum | Amount sum | Price sum
Rectangular | | 27 | 4.7
Round | | 13 | 4.05
# Assume that a call to group with a list of labels is a call to groups
if _util.is_non_string_iterable(column_or_label) and \
len(column_or_label) != self._num_rows:
return self.groups(column_or_label, collect)
self = self.copy(shallow=True)
collect = _zero_on_type_error(collect)
# Remove column used for grouping
column = self._get_column(column_or_label)
if isinstance(column_or_label, str) or isinstance(column_or_label, numbers.Integral):
column_label = self._as_label(column_or_label)
del self[column_label]
column_label = self._unused_label('group')
# Group by column
groups = self.index_by(column)
keys = sorted(groups.keys())
# Generate grouped columns
if collect is None:
labels = [column_label, 'count' if column_label != 'count' else self._unused_label('count')]
columns = [keys, [len(groups[k]) for k in keys]]
columns, labels = [], []
for i, label in enumerate(self.labels):
labels.append(_collected_label(collect, label))
c = [collect(np.array([row[i] for row in groups[k]])) for k in keys]
grouped = type(self)().with_columns(zip(labels, columns))
assert column_label == self._unused_label(column_label)
grouped[column_label] = keys
return grouped
def groups(self, labels, collect=None):
"""Group rows by multiple columns, count or aggregate others.
``labels``: list of column names (or indices) to group on
``collect``: a function applied to values in other columns for each group
Returns: A Table with each row corresponding to a unique combination of values in
the columns specified in ``labels``, where the first columns are those
specified in ``labels``, followed by a column of counts for each of the unique
values. If ``collect`` is provided, a Table is returned with all original
columns, each containing values calculated by first grouping rows according to
to values in the ``labels`` column, then applying ``collect`` to each set of
grouped values in the other columns.
The grouped columns will appear first in the result table. If ``collect`` does not
accept arguments with one of the column types, that column will be empty in the resulting
>>> marbles = Table().with_columns(
... "Color", make_array("Red", "Green", "Blue", "Red", "Green", "Green"),
... "Shape", make_array("Round", "Rectangular", "Rectangular", "Round", "Rectangular", "Round"),
... "Amount", make_array(4, 6, 12, 7, 9, 2),
... "Price", make_array(1.30, 1.30, 2.00, 1.75, 1.40, 1.00))
>>> marbles
Color | Shape | Amount | Price
Red | Round | 4 | 1.3
Green | Rectangular | 6 | 1.3
Blue | Rectangular | 12 | 2
Red | Round | 7 | 1.75
Green | Rectangular | 9 | 1.4
Green | Round | 2 | 1
>>> marbles.groups(["Color", "Shape"])
Color | Shape | count
Blue | Rectangular | 1
Green | Rectangular | 2
Green | Round | 1
Red | Round | 2
>>> marbles.groups(["Color", "Shape"], sum)
Color | Shape | Amount sum | Price sum
Blue | Rectangular | 12 | 2
Green | Rectangular | 15 | 2.7
Green | Round | 2 | 1
Red | Round | 11 | 3.05
# Assume that a call to groups with one label is a call to group
if not _util.is_non_string_iterable(labels):
return self.group(labels, collect=collect)
collect = _zero_on_type_error(collect)
columns = []
labels = self._as_labels(labels)
for label in labels:
if label not in self.labels:
raise ValueError("All labels must exist in the table")
grouped = self.group(list(zip(*columns)), lambda s: s)
grouped._columns.popitem(last=False) # Discard the column of tuples
# Flatten grouping values and move them to front
counts = [len(v) for v in grouped[0]]
for label in labels[::-1]:
grouped[label] = grouped.apply(_assert_same, label)
# Aggregate other values
if collect is None:
count = 'count' if 'count' not in labels else self._unused_label('count')
return grouped.select(labels).with_column(count, counts)
for label in grouped.labels:
if label in labels:
column = [collect(v) for v in grouped[label]]
del grouped[label]
grouped[_collected_label(collect, label)] = column
return grouped
def pivot(self, columns, rows, values=None, collect=None, zero=None):
"""Generate a table with a column for each unique value in ``columns``,
with rows for each unique value in ``rows``. Each row counts/aggregates
the values that match both row and column based on ``collect``.
``columns`` -- a single column label or index, (``str`` or ``int``),
used to create new columns, based on its unique values.
``rows`` -- row labels or indices, (``str`` or ``int`` or list),
used to create new rows based on it's unique values.
``values`` -- column label in table for use in aggregation.
Default None.
``collect`` -- aggregation function, used to group ``values``
over row-column combinations. Default None.
``zero`` -- zero value to use for non-existent row-column
TypeError -- if ``collect`` is passed in and ``values`` is not,
vice versa.
New pivot table, with row-column combinations, as specified, with
aggregated ``values`` by ``collect`` across the intersection of
``columns`` and ``rows``. Simple counts provided if values and
collect are None, as default.
>>> titanic = Table().with_columns('age', make_array(21, 44, 56, 89, 95
... , 40, 80, 45), 'survival', make_array(0,0,0,1, 1, 1, 0, 1),
... 'gender', make_array('M', 'M', 'M', 'M', 'F', 'F', 'F', 'F'),
... 'prediction', make_array(0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1))
>>> titanic
age | survival | gender | prediction
21 | 0 | M | 0
44 | 0 | M | 0
56 | 0 | M | 1
89 | 1 | M | 1
95 | 1 | F | 0
40 | 1 | F | 1
80 | 0 | F | 0
45 | 1 | F | 1
>>> titanic.pivot('survival', 'gender')
gender | 0 | 1
F | 1 | 3
M | 3 | 1
>>> titanic.pivot('prediction', 'gender')
gender | 0 | 1
F | 2 | 2
M | 2 | 2
>>> titanic.pivot('survival', 'gender', values='age', collect = np.mean)
gender | 0 | 1
F | 80 | 60
M | 40.3333 | 89
>>> titanic.pivot('survival', make_array('prediction', 'gender'))
prediction | gender | 0 | 1
0 | F | 1 | 1
0 | M | 2 | 0
1 | F | 0 | 2
1 | M | 1 | 1
>>> titanic.pivot('survival', 'gender', values = 'age')
Traceback (most recent call last):
TypeError: values requires collect to be specified
>>> titanic.pivot('survival', 'gender', collect = np.mean)
Traceback (most recent call last):
TypeError: collect requires values to be specified
if collect is not None and values is None:
raise TypeError('collect requires values to be specified')
if values is not None and collect is None:
raise TypeError('values requires collect to be specified')
columns = self._as_label(columns)
rows = self._as_labels(rows)
if values is None:
selected = self.select([columns] + rows)
selected = self.select([columns, values] + rows)
grouped = selected.groups([columns] + rows, collect)
# Generate existing combinations of values from columns in rows
rows_values = sorted(list(set(self.select(rows).rows)))
pivoted = type(self)(rows).with_rows(rows_values)
# Generate other columns and add them to pivoted
by_columns = grouped.index_by(columns)
for label in sorted(by_columns):
tuples = [t[1:] for t in by_columns[label]] # Discard column value
column = _fill_with_zeros(rows_values, tuples, zero)
pivot = self._unused_label(str(label))
pivoted[pivot] = column
return pivoted
def pivot_bin(self, pivot_columns, value_column, bins=None, **vargs) :
"""Form a table with columns formed by the unique tuples in pivot_columns
containing counts per bin of the values associated with each tuple in the value_column.
By default, bins are chosen to contain all values in the value_column. The
following named arguments from numpy.histogram can be applied to
specialize bin widths:
``bins`` (int or sequence of scalars): If bins is an int,
it defines the number of equal-width bins in the given range
(10, by default). If bins is a sequence, it defines the bin
edges, including the rightmost edge, allowing for non-uniform
bin widths.
``range`` ((float, float)): The lower and upper range of
the bins. If not provided, range contains all values in the
table. Values outside the range are ignored.
``normed`` (bool): If False, the result will contain the number of
samples in each bin. If True, the result is normalized such that
the integral over the range is 1.
New pivot table with unique rows of specified ``pivot_columns``,
populated with 0s and 1s with respect to values from ``value_column``
distributed into specified ``bins`` and ``range``.
>>> t = Table.from_records([
... {
... 'column1':'data1',
... 'column2':86,
... 'column3':'b',
... 'column4':5,
... },
... {
... 'column1':'data2',
... 'column2':51,
... 'column3':'c',
... 'column4':3,
... },
... {
... 'column1':'data3',
... 'column2':32,
... 'column3':'a',
... 'column4':6,
... }
... ])
>>> t
column1 | column2 | column3 | column4
data1 | 86 | b | 5
data2 | 51 | c | 3
data3 | 32 | a | 6
>>> t.pivot_bin(pivot_columns='column1',value_column='column2')
bin | data1 | data2 | data3
32 | 0 | 0 | 1
37.4 | 0 | 0 | 0
42.8 | 0 | 0 | 0
48.2 | 0 | 1 | 0
53.6 | 0 | 0 | 0
59 | 0 | 0 | 0
64.4 | 0 | 0 | 0
69.8 | 0 | 0 | 0
75.2 | 0 | 0 | 0
80.6 | 1 | 0 | 0
... (1 rows omitted)
>>> t.pivot_bin(pivot_columns=['column1','column2'],value_column='column4')
bin | data1-86 | data2-51 | data3-32
3 | 0 | 1 | 0
3.3 | 0 | 0 | 0
3.6 | 0 | 0 | 0
3.9 | 0 | 0 | 0
4.2 | 0 | 0 | 0
4.5 | 0 | 0 | 0
4.8 | 1 | 0 | 0
5.1 | 0 | 0 | 0
5.4 | 0 | 0 | 0
5.7 | 0 | 0 | 1
... (1 rows omitted)
>>> t.pivot_bin(pivot_columns='column1',value_column='column2',bins=[20,45,100])
bin | data1 | data2 | data3
20 | 0 | 0 | 1
45 | 1 | 1 | 0
100 | 0 | 0 | 0
>>> t.pivot_bin(pivot_columns='column1',value_column='column2',bins=5,range=[30,60])
bin | data1 | data2 | data3
30 | 0 | 0 | 1
36 | 0 | 0 | 0
42 | 0 | 0 | 0
48 | 0 | 1 | 0
54 | 0 | 0 | 0
60 | 0 | 0 | 0
pivot_columns = _as_labels(pivot_columns)
selected = self.select(pivot_columns + [value_column])
grouped = selected.groups(pivot_columns, collect=lambda x:x)
# refine bins by taking a histogram over all the data
if bins is not None:
vargs['bins'] = bins
_, rbins = np.histogram(self[value_column],**vargs)
# create a table with these bins a first column and counts for each group
vargs['bins'] = rbins
binned = type(self)().with_column('bin',rbins)
for group in grouped.rows:
col_label = "-".join(map(str,group[0:-1]))
col_vals = group[-1]
counts,_ = np.histogram(col_vals,**vargs)
binned[col_label] = np.append(counts,0)
return binned
def stack(self, key, labels=None):
"""Takes k original columns and returns two columns, with col. 1 of
all column names and col. 2 of all associated data.
``key``: Name of a column from table which is the basis for stacking
values from the table.
``labels``: List of column names which must be included in the stacked
representation of the table. If no value is supplied for this argument,
then the function considers all columns from the original table.
A table whose first column consists of stacked values from column passed in
``key``. The second column of this returned table consists of the column names
passed in ``labels``, whereas the final column consists of the data values
corresponding to the respective values in the first and second columns of the
new table.
>>> t = Table.from_records([
... {
... 'column1':'data1',
... 'column2':86,
... 'column3':'b',
... 'column4':5,
... },
... {
... 'column1':'data2',
... 'column2':51,
... 'column3':'c',
... 'column4':3,
... },
... {
... 'column1':'data3',
... 'column2':32,
... 'column3':'a',
... 'column4':6,
... }
... ])
>>> t
column1 | column2 | column3 | column4
data1 | 86 | b | 5
data2 | 51 | c | 3
data3 | 32 | a | 6
>>> t.stack('column2')
column2 | column | value
86 | column1 | data1
86 | column3 | b
86 | column4 | 5
51 | column1 | data2
51 | column3 | c
51 | column4 | 3
32 | column1 | data3
32 | column3 | a
32 | column4 | 6
>>> t.stack('column2',labels=['column4','column1'])
column2 | column | value
86 | column1 | data1
86 | column4 | 5
51 | column1 | data2
51 | column4 | 3
32 | column1 | data3
32 | column4 | 6
rows, labels = [], labels or self.labels
for row in self.rows:
[rows.append((getattr(row, key), k, v)) for k, v in row.asdict().items()
if k != key and k in labels]
return type(self)([key, 'column', 'value']).with_rows(rows)
def join(self, column_label, other, other_label=None):
"""Creates a new table with the columns of self and other, containing
rows for all values of a column that appear in both tables.
``column_label``: label of column or array of labels in self that is used to
join rows of ``other``.
``other``: Table object to join with self on matching values of
``other_label``: default None, assumes ``column_label``.
Otherwise in ``other`` used to join rows.
New table self joined with ``other`` by matching values in
``column_label`` and ``other_label``. If the resulting join is
empty, returns None.
>>> table = Table().with_columns('a', make_array(9, 3, 3, 1),
... 'b', make_array(1, 2, 2, 10),
... 'c', make_array(3, 4, 5, 6))
>>> table
a | b | c
9 | 1 | 3
3 | 2 | 4
3 | 2 | 5
1 | 10 | 6
>>> table2 = Table().with_columns( 'a', make_array(9, 1, 1, 1),
... 'd', make_array(1, 2, 2, 10),
... 'e', make_array(3, 4, 5, 6))
>>> table2
a | d | e
9 | 1 | 3
1 | 2 | 4
1 | 2 | 5
1 | 10 | 6
>>> table.join('a', table2)
a | b | c | d | e
1 | 10 | 6 | 2 | 4
1 | 10 | 6 | 2 | 5
1 | 10 | 6 | 10 | 6
9 | 1 | 3 | 1 | 3
>>> table.join('a', table2, 'a') # Equivalent to previous join
a | b | c | d | e
1 | 10 | 6 | 2 | 4
1 | 10 | 6 | 2 | 5
1 | 10 | 6 | 10 | 6
9 | 1 | 3 | 1 | 3
>>> table.join('a', table2, 'd') # Repeat column labels relabeled
a | b | c | a_2 | e
1 | 10 | 6 | 9 | 3
>>> table2 #table2 has three rows with a = 1
a | d | e
9 | 1 | 3
1 | 2 | 4
1 | 2 | 5
1 | 10 | 6
>>> table #table has only one row with a = 1
a | b | c
9 | 1 | 3
3 | 2 | 4
3 | 2 | 5
1 | 10 | 6
>>> table.join(['a', 'b'], table2, ['a', 'd']) # joining on multiple columns
a | b | c | e
1 | 10 | 6 | 6
9 | 1 | 3 | 3
if self.num_rows == 0 or other.num_rows == 0:
return None
if not other_label:
other_label = column_label
# checking to see if joining on multiple columns
if _util.is_non_string_iterable(column_label):
# then we are going to be joining multiple labels
return self._multiple_join(column_label, other, other_label)
# original single column join
return self._join(column_label, other, other_label)
def _join(self, column_label, other, other_label=[]):
"""joins when COLUMN_LABEL is a string"""
if self.num_rows == 0 or other.num_rows == 0:
return None
if not other_label:
other_label = column_label
self_rows = self.index_by(column_label)
other_rows = other.index_by(other_label)
return self._join_helper([column_label], self_rows, other, [other_label], other_rows)
def _multiple_join(self, column_label, other, other_label=[]):
"""joins when column_label is a non-string iterable"""
assert len(column_label) == len(other_label), 'unequal number of columns'
self_rows = self._multi_index(column_label)
other_rows = other._multi_index(other_label)
return self._join_helper(column_label, self_rows, other, other_label, other_rows)
def _join_helper(self, column_label, self_rows, other, other_label, other_rows):
# Gather joined rows from self_rows that have join values in other_rows
joined_rows = []
for v, rows in self_rows.items():
if v in other_rows:
joined_rows += [row + o for row in rows for o in other_rows[v]]
if not joined_rows:
return None
# Build joined table
self_labels = list(self.labels)
other_labels = [self._unused_label(s) for s in other.labels]
if (len(set(self_labels + other_labels)) != len(list(self_labels + other_labels))):
other_labels = [self._unused_label_in_either_table(s, other) for s in other.labels]
other_labels_map = dict(zip(other.labels, other_labels))
joined = type(self)(self_labels + other_labels).with_rows(joined_rows)
# Copy formats from both tables
for label in other._formats:
joined._formats[other_labels_map[label]] = other._formats[label]
# Remove redundant column, but perhaps save its formatting
for duplicate in other_label:
del joined[other_labels_map[duplicate]]
for duplicate in other_label:
if duplicate not in self._formats and duplicate in other._formats:
joined._formats[duplicate] = other._formats[duplicate]
for col in column_label[::-1]:
joined = joined.move_to_start(col).sort(col)
return joined
def stats(self, ops=(min, max, np.median, sum)):
Compute statistics for each column and place them in a table.
``ops`` -- A tuple of stat functions to use to compute stats.
A ``Table`` with a prepended statistic column with the name of the
fucntion's as the values and the calculated stats values per column.
By default stats calculates the minimum, maximum, np.median, and sum of each
>>> table = Table().with_columns(
... 'A', make_array(4, 0, 6, 5),
... 'B', make_array(10, 20, 17, 17),
... 'C', make_array(18, 13, 2, 9))
>>> table.stats()
statistic | A | B | C
min | 0 | 10 | 2
max | 6 | 20 | 18
median | 4.5 | 17 | 11
sum | 15 | 64 | 42
Note, stats are calculated even on non-numeric columns which may lead to
unexpected behavior or in more severe cases errors. This is why it may be best
to eliminate non-numeric columns from the table before running stats.
>>> table = Table().with_columns(
... 'B', make_array(10, 20, 17, 17),
... 'C', make_array("foo", "bar", "baz", "baz"))
>>> table.stats()
statistic | B | C
min | 10 | bar
max | 20 | foo
median | 17 |
sum | 64 |
>>> table.select('B').stats()
statistic | B
min | 10
max | 20
median | 17
sum | 64
``ops`` can also be overridden to calculate custom stats.
>>> table = Table().with_columns(
... 'A', make_array(4, 0, 6, 5),
... 'B', make_array(10, 20, 17, 17),
... 'C', make_array(18, 13, 2, 9))
>>> def weighted_average(x):
... return np.average(x, weights=[1, 0, 1.5, 1.25])
>>> table.stats(ops=(weighted_average, np.mean, np.median, np.std))
statistic | A | B | C
weighted_average | 5.13333 | 15.1333 | 8.6
mean | 3.75 | 16 | 10.5
median | 4.5 | 17 | 11
std | 2.27761 | 3.67423 | 5.85235
names = [op.__name__ for op in ops]
ops = [_zero_on_type_error(op) for op in ops]
columns = [[op(column) for op in ops] for column in self.columns]
table = type(self)().with_columns(zip(self.labels, columns))
stats = table._unused_label('statistic')
table[stats] = names
return table
def _as_label(self, index_or_label):
"""Convert index to label."""
if isinstance(index_or_label, str):
return index_or_label
if isinstance(index_or_label, numbers.Integral):
return self.labels[index_or_label]
raise ValueError(str(index_or_label) + ' is not a label or index')
def _as_labels(self, label_or_labels):
"""Convert single label to list and convert indices to labels."""
return [self._as_label(s) for s in _as_labels(label_or_labels)]
def _varargs_as_labels(self, label_list):
"""Converts a list of labels or singleton list of list of labels into
a list of labels. Useful when labels are passed as varargs."""
return self._as_labels(_varargs_labels_as_list(label_list))
def _unused_label(self, label):
"""Generate an unused label."""
original = label
existing = self.labels
i = 2
while label in existing:
label = '{}_{}'.format(original, i)
i += 1
return label
def _unused_label_in_either_table(self, label, other):
original = label
existing_self = self.labels
existing_other = other.labels
i = 2
while label in existing_self:
label = '{}_{}'.format(original, i)
i += 1
while label in existing_other:
label = '{}_{}'.format(original, i)
i += 1
return label
def _get_column(self, column_or_label):
"""Convert label to column and check column length."""
c = column_or_label
if isinstance(c, collections.abc.Hashable) and c in self.labels:
return self[c]
elif isinstance(c, numbers.Integral):
return self[c]
elif isinstance(c, str):
raise ValueError('label "{}" not in labels {}'.format(c, self.labels))
assert len(c) == self.num_rows, 'column length mismatch'
return c
def percentile(self, p):
"""Return a new table with one row containing the pth percentile for
each column.
Assumes that each column only contains one type of value.
Returns a new table with one row and the same column labels.
The row contains the pth percentile of the original column, where the
pth percentile of a column is the smallest value that at at least as
large as the p% of numbers in the column.
>>> table = Table().with_columns(
... 'count', make_array(9, 3, 3, 1),
... 'points', make_array(1, 2, 2, 10))
>>> table
count | points
9 | 1
3 | 2
3 | 2
1 | 10
>>> table.percentile(80)
count | points
9 | 10
percentiles = [[_util.percentile(p, column)] for column in self.columns]
return self._with_columns(percentiles)
def sample(self, k=None, with_replacement=True, weights=None):
"""Return a new table where k rows are randomly sampled from the
original table.
``k`` -- specifies the number of rows (``int``) to be sampled from
the table. Default is k equal to number of rows in the table.
``with_replacement`` -- (``bool``) By default True;
Samples ``k`` rows with replacement from table, else samples
``k`` rows without replacement.
``weights`` -- Array specifying probability the ith row of the
table is sampled. Defaults to None, which samples each row
with equal probability. ``weights`` must be a valid probability
distribution -- i.e. an array the length of the number of rows,
summing to 1.
ValueError -- if ``weights`` is not length equal to number of rows
in the table; or, if ``weights`` does not sum to 1.
A new instance of ``Table`` with ``k`` rows resampled.
>>> jobs = Table().with_columns(
... 'job', make_array('a', 'b', 'c', 'd'),
... 'wage', make_array(10, 20, 15, 8))
>>> jobs
job | wage
a | 10
b | 20
c | 15
d | 8
>>> jobs.sample() # doctest: +SKIP
job | wage
b | 20
b | 20
a | 10
d | 8
>>> jobs.sample(with_replacement=True) # doctest: +SKIP
job | wage
d | 8
b | 20
c | 15
a | 10
>>> jobs.sample(k = 2) # doctest: +SKIP
job | wage
b | 20
c | 15
>>> ws = make_array(0.5, 0.5, 0, 0)
>>> jobs.sample(k=2, with_replacement=True, weights=ws) # doctest: +SKIP
job | wage
a | 10
a | 10
>>> jobs.sample(k=2, weights=make_array(1, 0, 1, 0))
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: probabilities do not sum to 1
>>> jobs.sample(k=2, weights=make_array(1, 0, 0)) # Weights must be length of table.
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: 'a' and 'p' must have same size
n = self.num_rows
if k is None:
k = n
index = np.random.choice(n, k, replace=with_replacement, p=weights)
columns = [[c[i] for i in index] for c in self.columns]
sample = self._with_columns(columns)
return sample
def shuffle(self):
"""Return a new table where all the rows are randomly shuffled from the
original table.
A new instance of ``Table`` with all ``k`` rows shuffled.
return self.sample(with_replacement=False)
def sample_from_distribution(self, distribution, k, proportions=False):
"""Return a new table with the same number of rows and a new column.
The values in the distribution column are define a multinomial.
They are replaced by sample counts/proportions in the output.
>>> sizes = Table(['size', 'count']).with_rows([
... ['small', 50],
... ['medium', 100],
... ['big', 50],
... ])
>>> np.random.seed(99)
>>> sizes.sample_from_distribution('count', 1000)
size | count | count sample
small | 50 | 228
medium | 100 | 508
big | 50 | 264
>>> sizes.sample_from_distribution('count', 1000, True)
size | count | count sample
small | 50 | 0.261
medium | 100 | 0.491
big | 50 | 0.248
dist = self._get_column(distribution)
total = sum(dist)
assert total > 0 and np.all(dist >= 0), 'Counts or a distribution required'
dist = dist/sum(dist)
sample = np.random.multinomial(k, dist)
if proportions:
sample = sample / sum(sample)
label = self._unused_label(self._as_label(distribution) + ' sample')
return self.with_column(label, sample)
def split(self, k):
"""Return a tuple of two tables where the first table contains
``k`` rows randomly sampled and the second contains the remaining rows.
``k`` (int): The number of rows randomly sampled into the first
table. ``k`` must be between 1 and ``num_rows - 1``.
``ValueError``: ``k`` is not between 1 and ``num_rows - 1``.
A tuple containing two instances of ``Table``.
>>> jobs = Table().with_columns(
... 'job', make_array('a', 'b', 'c', 'd'),
... 'wage', make_array(10, 20, 15, 8))
>>> jobs
job | wage
a | 10
b | 20
c | 15
d | 8
>>> sample, rest = jobs.split(3)
>>> sample # doctest: +SKIP
job | wage
c | 15
a | 10
b | 20
>>> rest # doctest: +SKIP
job | wage
d | 8
if not 1 <= k <= self.num_rows - 1:
raise ValueError("Invalid value of k. k must be between 1 and the"
"number of rows - 1")
rows = np.random.permutation(self.num_rows)
first = self.take(rows[:k])
rest = self.take(rows[k:])
for column_label in self._formats:
first._formats[column_label] = self._formats[column_label]
rest._formats[column_label] = self._formats[column_label]
return first, rest
def with_row(self, row):
"""Return a table with an additional row.
``row`` (sequence): A value for each column.
``ValueError``: If the row length differs from the column count.
>>> tiles = Table(make_array('letter', 'count', 'points'))
>>> tiles.with_row(['c', 2, 3]).with_row(['d', 4, 2])
letter | count | points
c | 2 | 3
d | 4 | 2
self = self.copy()
return self
def with_rows(self, rows):
"""Return a table with additional rows.
``rows`` (sequence of sequences): Each row has a value per column.
If ``rows`` is a 2-d array, its shape must be (_, n) for n columns.
``ValueError``: If a row length differs from the column count.
>>> tiles = Table(make_array('letter', 'count', 'points'))
>>> tiles.with_rows(make_array(make_array('c', 2, 3),
... make_array('d', 4, 2)))
letter | count | points
c | 2 | 3
d | 4 | 2
self = self.copy()
return self
def with_column(self, label, values, formatter=None):
"""Return a new table with an additional or replaced column.
``label`` (str): The column label. If an existing label is used,
the existing column will be replaced in the new table.
``values`` (single value or sequence): If a single value, every
value in the new column is ``values``. If sequence of values,
new column takes on values in ``values``.
``formatter`` (single value): Specifies formatter for the new column. Defaults to no formatter.
``ValueError``: If
- ``label`` is not a valid column name
- if ``label`` is not of type (str)
- ``values`` is a list/array that does not have the same
length as the number of rows in the table.
copy of original table with new or replaced column
>>> alphabet = Table().with_column('letter', make_array('c','d'))
>>> alphabet = alphabet.with_column('count', make_array(2, 4))
>>> alphabet
letter | count
c | 2
d | 4
>>> alphabet.with_column('permutes', make_array('a', 'g'))
letter | count | permutes
c | 2 | a
d | 4 | g
>>> alphabet
letter | count
c | 2
d | 4
>>> alphabet.with_column('count', 1)
letter | count
c | 1
d | 1
>>> alphabet.with_column(1, make_array(1, 2))
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: The column label must be a string, but a int was given
>>> alphabet.with_column('bad_col', make_array(1))
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: Column length mismatch. New column does not have the same number of rows as table.
# Ensure that if with_column is called instead of with_columns;
# no error is raised.
new_table = self.copy()
if formatter == {}:
formatter = None
elif isinstance(formatter, dict):
formatter = formatter["formatter"]
new_table.append_column(label, values, formatter)
return new_table
def with_columns(self, *labels_and_values, **formatter):
"""Return a table with additional or replaced columns.
``labels_and_values``: An alternating list of labels and values
or a list of label-value pairs. If one of the labels is in
existing table, then every value in the corresponding column is
set to that value. If label has only a single value (``int``),
every row of corresponding column takes on that value.
''formatter'' (single Formatter value): A single formatter value
that will be applied to all columns being added using this
function call.
``ValueError``: If
- any label in ``labels_and_values`` is not a valid column
name, i.e if label is not of type (str).
- if any value in ``labels_and_values`` is a list/array and
does not have the same length as the number of rows in the
- 'incorrect columns format', if passed more than one sequence
(iterables) for ``labels_and_values``.
- 'even length sequence required' if missing a pair in
label-value pairs.
Copy of original table with new or replaced columns. Columns added
in order of labels. Equivalent to ``with_column(label, value)``
when passed only one label-value pair.
>>> players = Table().with_columns('player_id',
... make_array(110234, 110235), 'wOBA', make_array(.354, .236))
>>> players
player_id | wOBA
110234 | 0.354
110235 | 0.236
>>> players = players.with_columns('salaries', 'N/A', 'season', 2016)
>>> players
player_id | wOBA | salaries | season
110234 | 0.354 | N/A | 2016
110235 | 0.236 | N/A | 2016
>>> salaries = Table().with_column('salary',
... make_array(500000, 15500000))
>>> players.with_columns('salaries', salaries.column('salary'),
... 'bonus', make_array(6, 1), formatter=_formats.CurrencyFormatter)
player_id | wOBA | salaries | season | bonus
110234 | 0.354 | $500,000 | 2016 | $6
110235 | 0.236 | $15,500,000 | 2016 | $1
>>> players.with_columns(2, make_array('$600,000', '$20,000,000'))
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: The column label must be a string, but a int was given
>>> players.with_columns('salaries', make_array('$600,000'))
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: Column length mismatch. New column does not have the same number of rows as table.
if not isinstance(self, Table):
raise TypeError('Use Table().with_columns() to create a new table, \
not Table.with_columns()')
if len(labels_and_values) == 1:
labels_and_values = labels_and_values[0]
if isinstance(labels_and_values, collections.abc.Mapping):
labels_and_values = list(labels_and_values.items())
if not isinstance(labels_and_values, collections.abc.Sequence):
labels_and_values = list(labels_and_values)
if not labels_and_values:
return self
first = labels_and_values[0]
if not isinstance(first, str) and hasattr(first, '__iter__'):
for pair in labels_and_values:
assert len(pair) == 2, 'incorrect columns format'
labels_and_values = [x for pair in labels_and_values for x in pair]
assert len(labels_and_values) % 2 == 0, 'Even length sequence required'
for i in range(0, len(labels_and_values), 2):
label, values = labels_and_values[i], labels_and_values[i+1]
self = self.with_column(label, values, formatter)
return self
def relabeled(self, label, new_label):
"""Return a new table with ``label`` specifying column label(s)
replaced by corresponding ``new_label``.
``label`` -- (str or array of str) The label(s) of
columns to be changed.
``new_label`` -- (str or array of str): The new label(s) of
columns to be changed. Same number of elements as label.
``ValueError`` -- if ``label`` does not exist in
table, or if the ``label`` and ``new_label`` are not not of
equal length. Also, raised if ``label`` and/or ``new_label``
are not ``str``.
New table with ``new_label`` in place of ``label``.
>>> tiles = Table().with_columns('letter', make_array('c', 'd'),
... 'count', make_array(2, 4))
>>> tiles
letter | count
c | 2
d | 4
>>> tiles.relabeled('count', 'number')
letter | number
c | 2
d | 4
>>> tiles # original table unmodified
letter | count
c | 2
d | 4
>>> tiles.relabeled(make_array('letter', 'count'),
... make_array('column1', 'column2'))
column1 | column2
c | 2
d | 4
>>> tiles.relabeled(make_array('letter', 'number'),
... make_array('column1', 'column2'))
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: Invalid labels. Column labels must already exist in table in order to be replaced.
copy = self.copy()
copy.relabel(label, new_label)
return copy
# Deprecated
def with_relabeling(self, *args):
warnings.warn("with_relabeling is deprecated; use relabeled", FutureWarning)
return self.relabeled(*args)
def bin(self, *columns, **vargs):
"""Group values by bin and compute counts per bin by column.
By default, bins are chosen to contain all values in all columns. The
following named arguments from numpy.histogram can be applied to
specialize bin widths:
If the original table has n columns, the resulting binned table has
n+1 columns, where column 0 contains the lower bound of each bin.
``columns`` (str or int): Labels or indices of columns to be
binned. If empty, all columns are binned.
``bins`` (int or sequence of scalars): If bins is an int,
it defines the number of equal-width bins in the given range
(10, by default). If bins is a sequence, it defines the bin
edges, including the rightmost edge, allowing for non-uniform
bin widths.
``range`` ((float, float)): The lower and upper range of
the bins. If not provided, range contains all values in the
table. Values outside the range are ignored.
``density`` (bool): If False, the result will contain the number of
samples in each bin. If True, the result is the value of the
probability density function at the bin, normalized such that
the integral over the range is 1. Note that the sum of the
histogram values will not be equal to 1 unless bins of unity
width are chosen; it is not a probability mass function.
if columns:
self = self.select(*columns)
if 'normed' in vargs:
vargs.setdefault('density', vargs.pop('normed'))
density = vargs.get('density', False)
tag = 'density' if density else 'count'
cols = list(self._columns.values())
_, bins = np.histogram(cols, **vargs)
binned = type(self)().with_column('bin', bins)
for label in self.labels:
counts, _ = np.histogram(self[label], bins=bins, density=density)
binned[label + ' ' + tag] = np.append(counts, 0)
return binned
def move_column(self, label, index):
"""Returns a new table with specified column moved to the specified column index.
``label`` (str) A single label of column to be moved.
``index`` (int) A single index of column to move to.
>>> titanic = Table().with_columns('age', make_array(21, 44, 56, 89, 95
... , 40, 80, 45), 'survival', make_array(0,0,0,1, 1, 1, 0, 1),
... 'gender', make_array('M', 'M', 'M', 'M', 'F', 'F', 'F', 'F'),
... 'prediction', make_array(0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1))
>>> titanic
age | survival | gender | prediction
21 | 0 | M | 0
44 | 0 | M | 0
56 | 0 | M | 1
89 | 1 | M | 1
95 | 1 | F | 0
40 | 1 | F | 1
80 | 0 | F | 0
45 | 1 | F | 1
>>> titanic.move_column('survival', 3)
age | gender | prediction | survival
21 | M | 0 | 0
44 | M | 0 | 0
56 | M | 1 | 0
89 | M | 1 | 1
95 | F | 0 | 1
40 | F | 1 | 1
80 | F | 0 | 0
45 | F | 1 | 1
table = type(self)()
col_order = list(self._columns)
label_idx = col_order.index(self._as_label(label))
col_to_move = col_order.pop(label_idx)
col_order.insert(index, col_to_move)
for col in col_order:
table[col] = self[col]
return table
# Exporting / Displaying #
def __str__(self):
return self.as_text(self.max_str_rows)
__repr__ = __str__
def _repr_html_(self):
return self.as_html(self.max_str_rows)
def show(self, max_rows=0):
"""Display the table.
``max_rows``: Maximum number of rows to be output by the function
A subset of the Table with number of rows specified in ``max_rows``.
First ``max_rows`` number of rows are displayed. If no value is passed
for ``max_rows``, then the entire Table is returned.
>>> t = Table().with_columns(
... "column1", make_array("data1", "data2", "data3"),
... "column2", make_array(86, 51, 32),
... "column3", make_array("b", "c", "a"),
... "column4", make_array(5, 3, 6)
... )
>>> t
column1 | column2 | column3 | column4
data1 | 86 | b | 5
data2 | 51 | c | 3
data3 | 32 | a | 6
>>> t.show()
<IPython.core.display.HTML object>
>>> t.show(max_rows=2)
<IPython.core.display.HTML object>
max_str_rows = 10
def _use_html_if_available(format_fn):
"""Use the value's HTML rendering if available, overriding format_fn."""
def format_using_as_html(v, label=False):
if not label and hasattr(v, 'as_html'):
return v.as_html()
return format_fn(v, label)
return format_using_as_html
def _get_column_formatters(self, max_rows, as_html):
"""Return one value formatting function per column.
Each function has the signature f(value, label=False) -> str
formats = {s: self._formats.get(s, self.formatter) for s in self.labels}
cols = self._columns.items()
fmts = [formats[k].format_column(k, v[:max_rows]) for k, v in cols]
if as_html:
fmts = list(map(type(self)._use_html_if_available, fmts))
return fmts
def as_text(self, max_rows=0, sep=" | "):
"""Format table as text
max_rows(int) The maximum number of rows to be present in the converted string of table. (Optional Argument)
sep(str) The seperator which will appear in converted string between the columns. (Optional Argument)
String form of the table
The table is just converted to a string with columns seperated by the seperator(argument- default(' | ')) and rows seperated by '\\n'
Few examples of the as_text() method are as follows:
>>> table = Table().with_columns({'name': ['abc', 'xyz', 'uvw'], 'age': [12,14,20],'height': [5.5,6.0,5.9],})
>>> table
name | age | height
abc | 12 | 5.5
xyz | 14 | 6
uvw | 20 | 5.9
>>> table_astext = table.as_text()
>>> table_astext
'name | age | height\\nabc | 12 | 5.5\\nxyz | 14 | 6\\nuvw | 20 | 5.9'
>>> type(table)
<class 'datascience.tables.Table'>
>>> type(table_astext)
<class 'str'>
>>> sizes = Table(['size', 'count']).with_rows([ ['small', 50], ['medium', 100], ['big', 50], ])
>>> sizes
size | count
small | 50
medium | 100
big | 50
>>> sizes_astext = sizes.as_text()
>>> sizes_astext
'size | count\\nsmall | 50\\nmedium | 100\\nbig | 50'
>>> sizes_astext = sizes.as_text(1)
>>> sizes_astext
'size | count\\nsmall | 50\\n... (2 rows omitted)'
>>> sizes_astext = sizes.as_text(2, ' - ')
>>> sizes_astext
'size - count\\nsmall - 50\\nmedium - 100\\n... (1 rows omitted)'
if not max_rows or max_rows > self.num_rows:
max_rows = self.num_rows
omitted = max(0, self.num_rows - max_rows)
labels = self._columns.keys()
fmts = self._get_column_formatters(max_rows, False)
rows = [[fmt(label, label=True) for fmt, label in zip(fmts, labels)]]
for row in itertools.islice(self.rows, max_rows):
rows.append([f(v, label=False) for v, f in zip(row, fmts)])
lines = [sep.join(row) for row in rows]
if omitted:
lines.append('... ({} rows omitted)'.format(omitted))
return '\n'.join([line.rstrip() for line in lines])
def as_html(self, max_rows=0):
"""Format table as HTML
max_rows(int) The maximum number of rows to be present in the converted string of table. (Optional Argument)
String representing the HTML form of the table
The table is converted to the html format of the table which can be used on a website to represent the table.
Few examples of the as_html() method are as follows.
- These examples seem difficult for us to observe and understand since they are in html format,
they are useful when you want to display the table on webpages
1. Simple table being converted to HTML
>>> table = Table().with_columns({'name': ['abc', 'xyz', 'uvw'], 'age': [12,14,20],'height': [5.5,6.0,5.9],})
>>> table
name | age | height
abc | 12 | 5.5
xyz | 14 | 6
uvw | 20 | 5.9
>>> table_as_html = table.as_html()
>>> table_as_html
'<table border="1" class="dataframe">\\n <thead>\\n <tr>\\n
<th>name</th> <th>age</th> <th>height</th>\\n
</tr>\\n </thead>\\n <tbody>\\n
<tr>\\n <td>abc </td> <td>12 </td> <td>5.5 </td>\\n </tr>\\n
<tr>\\n <td>xyz </td> <td>14 </td> <td>6 </td>\\n </tr>\\n
<tr>\\n <td>uvw </td> <td>20 </td> <td>5.9 </td>\\n </tr>\\n
2. Simple table being converted to HTML with max_rows passed in
>>> table
name | age | height
abc | 12 | 5.5
xyz | 14 | 6
uvw | 20 | 5.9
>>> table_as_html_2 = table.as_html(max_rows = 2)
>>> table_as_html_2
'<table border="1" class="dataframe">\\n <thead>\\n <tr>\\n
<th>name</th> <th>age</th> <th>height</th>\\n
</tr>\\n </thead>\\n <tbody>\\n
<tr>\\n <td>abc </td> <td>12 </td> <td>5.5 </td>\\n </tr>\\n
<tr>\\n <td>xyz </td> <td>14 </td> <td>6 </td>\\n </tr>\\n
</tbody>\\n</table>\\n<p>... (1 rows omitted)</p>'
if not max_rows or max_rows > self.num_rows:
max_rows = self.num_rows
omitted = max(0, self.num_rows - max_rows)
labels = self.labels
lines = [
(0, '<table border="1" class="dataframe">'),
(1, '<thead>'),
(2, '<tr>'),
(3, ' '.join('<th>' + label + '</th>' for label in labels)),
(2, '</tr>'),
(1, '</thead>'),
(1, '<tbody>'),
fmts = self._get_column_formatters(max_rows, True)
for row in itertools.islice(self.rows, max_rows):
lines += [
(2, '<tr>'),
(3, ' '.join('<td>' + fmt(v, label=False) + '</td>' for
v, fmt in zip(row, fmts))),
(2, '</tr>'),
lines.append((1, '</tbody>'))
lines.append((0, '</table>'))
if omitted:
lines.append((0, '<p>... ({} rows omitted)</p>'.format(omitted)))
return '\n'.join(4 * indent * ' ' + text for indent, text in lines)
def index_by(self, column_or_label):
"""Return a dict keyed by values in a column that contains lists of
rows corresponding to each value.
``columns_or_labels``: Name or label of a column of the Table,
values of which are keys in the returned dict.
A dictionary with values from the column specified in the argument
``columns_or_labels`` as keys. The corresponding data is a list of
Row of values from the rest of the columns of the Table.
>>> t = Table().with_columns(
... "column1", make_array("data1", "data2", "data3", "data4"),
... "column2", make_array(86, 51, 32, 91),
... "column3", make_array("b", "c", "a", "a"),
... "column4", make_array(5, 3, 6, 9)
... )
>>> t
column1 | column2 | column3 | column4
data1 | 86 | b | 5
data2 | 51 | c | 3
data3 | 32 | a | 6
data4 | 91 | a | 9
>>> t.index_by('column2')
{86: [Row(column1='data1', column2=86, column3='b', column4=5)], 51: [Row(column1='data2', column2=51, column3='c', column4=3)], 32: [Row(column1='data3', column2=32, column3='a', column4=6)], 91: [Row(column1='data4', column2=91, column3='a', column4=9)]}
>>> t.index_by('column3')
{'b': [Row(column1='data1', column2=86, column3='b', column4=5)], 'c': [Row(column1='data2', column2=51, column3='c', column4=3)], 'a': [Row(column1='data3', column2=32, column3='a', column4=6), Row(column1='data4', column2=91, column3='a', column4=9)]}
column = self._get_column(column_or_label)
index = {}
for key, row in zip(column, self.rows):
if isinstance(key, tuple):
key_transformed = list(key)
key_transformed = [key]
has_null = pandas.isnull(key_transformed)
if any(has_null):
for i in range(len(key_transformed)):
if pandas.isnull(key_transformed[i]):
key_transformed[i] = np.nan
key = tuple(key_transformed) if len(key_transformed) > 1 else key_transformed[0]
index.setdefault(key, []).append(row)
return index
def _multi_index(self, columns_or_labels):
"""Returns a dict keyed by a tuple of the values that correspond to
the selected COLUMNS_OR_LABELS, with values corresponding to """
columns = [self._get_column(col) for col in columns_or_labels]
index = {}
for key, row in zip(zip(*columns), self.rows):
index.setdefault(key, []).append(row)
return index
def to_df(self):
"""Convert the table to a Pandas DataFrame.
The Pandas DataFrame of the table
It just converts the table to Pandas DataFrame so that we can use
DataFrame instead of the table at some required places.
Here's an example of using the to_df() method:
>>> table = Table().with_columns({'name': ['abc', 'xyz', 'uvw'],
... 'age': [12,14,20],
... 'height': [5.5,6.0,5.9],
... })
>>> table
name | age | height
abc | 12 | 5.5
xyz | 14 | 6
uvw | 20 | 5.9
>>> table_df = table.to_df()
>>> table_df
name age height
0 abc 12 5.5
1 xyz 14 6.0
2 uvw 20 5.9
>>> type(table)
<class 'datascience.tables.Table'>
>>> type(table_df)
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
return pandas.DataFrame(self._columns)
def to_csv(self, filename):
"""Creates a CSV file with the provided filename.
The CSV is created in such a way that if we run
``table.to_csv('my_table.csv')`` we can recreate the same table with
``filename`` (str): The filename of the output CSV file.
None, outputs a file with name ``filename``.
>>> jobs = Table().with_columns(
... 'job', make_array('a', 'b', 'c', 'd'),
... 'wage', make_array(10, 20, 15, 8))
>>> jobs
job | wage
a | 10
b | 20
c | 15
d | 8
>>> jobs.to_csv('my_table.csv') # doctest: +SKIP
<outputs a file called my_table.csv in the current directory>
# index=False avoids row numbers in the output
self.to_df().to_csv(filename, index=False)
def to_array(self):
"""Convert the table to a structured NumPy array.
The resulting array contains a sequence of rows from the table.
arr: a NumPy array
The following is an example of calling to_array()
>>> t = Table().with_columns([
... 'letter', ['a','b','c','z'],
... 'count', [9,3,3,1],
... 'points', [1,2,2,10],
... ])
>>> t
letter | count | points
a | 9 | 1
b | 3 | 2
c | 3 | 2
z | 1 | 10
>>> example = t.to_array()
>>> example
array([('a', 9, 1), ('b', 3, 2), ('c', 3, 2), ('z', 1, 10)],
dtype=[('letter', '<U1'), ('count', '<i8'), ('points', '<i8')])
>>> example['letter']
array(['a', 'b', 'c', 'z'],
dt = np.dtype(list(zip(self.labels, (c.dtype for c in self.columns))))
arr = np.empty_like(self.columns[0], dt)
for label in self.labels:
arr[label] = self[label]
return arr
# Visualizations #
# As RGB tuples
chart_colors = (
(0.0, 30/256, 66/256),
(1.0, 200/256, 44/256),
(0.0, 150/256, 207/256),
(30/256, 100/256, 0.0),
(172/256, 60/256, 72/256),
chart_colors += tuple(tuple((x+0.7)/2 for x in c) for c in chart_colors)
plotly_chart_colors = tuple(
f"rgb({tup[0]},{tup[1]},{tup[2]})" for tup in
tuple(tuple(int(256 * val) for val in tup) for tup in chart_colors)
default_alpha = 0.7
default_width = 6
default_height = 4
default_options = {
'alpha': default_alpha,
def _import_plotly():
Imports required plotly libraries and functions into the global namespace
global go, make_subplots
import plotly.graph_objects as go
from plotly.subplots import make_subplots
def interactive_plots(cls):
Redirects ``plot``, ``barh``, ``hist``, and ``scatter`` to their plotly equivalents
Sets a global variable that redirects ``Table.plot`` to ``Table.iplot``, ``Table.barh`` to
``Table.ibarh``, etc. This can be turned off by calling ``Table.static_plots``.
>>> table = Table().with_columns(
... 'days', make_array(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5),
... 'price', make_array(90.5, 90.00, 83.00, 95.50, 82.00, 82.00),
... 'projection', make_array(90.75, 82.00, 82.50, 82.50, 83.00, 82.50))
>>> table
days | price | projection
0 | 90.5 | 90.75
1 | 90 | 82
2 | 83 | 82.5
3 | 95.5 | 82.5
4 | 82 | 83
5 | 82 | 82.5
>>> table.plot('days') # doctest: +SKIP
<matplotlib line graph with days as x-axis and lines for price and projection>
>>> Table.interactive_plots()
>>> table.plot('days') # doctest: +SKIP
<plotly interactive line graph with days as x-axis and lines for price and projection>
if go is None or make_subplots is None:
def static_plots(cls):
Turns off redirection of ``plot``, ``barh``, ``hist``, and ``scatter`` to their plotly equivalents
Unsets a global variable that redirects ``Table.plot`` to ``Table.iplot``, ``Table.barh`` to
``Table.ibarh``, etc. This can be turned on by calling ``Table.interactive_plots``.
>>> table = Table().with_columns(
... 'days', make_array(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5),
... 'price', make_array(90.5, 90.00, 83.00, 95.50, 82.00, 82.00),
... 'projection', make_array(90.75, 82.00, 82.50, 82.50, 83.00, 82.50))
>>> table
days | price | projection
0 | 90.5 | 90.75
1 | 90 | 82
2 | 83 | 82.5
3 | 95.5 | 82.5
4 | 82 | 83
5 | 82 | 82.5
>>> table.plot('days') # doctest: +SKIP
<matplotlib line graph with days as x-axis and lines for price and projection>
>>> Table.interactive_plots()
>>> table.plot('days') # doctest: +SKIP
<plotly interactive line graph with days as x-axis and lines for price and projection>
>>> Table.static_plots()
>>> table.plot('days') # doctest: +SKIP
<matplotlib line graph with days as x-axis and lines for price and projection>
def plot(self, column_for_xticks=None, select=None, overlay=True, width=None, height=None, **vargs):
"""Plot line charts for the table. Redirects to ``Table#iplot`` for plotly charts if interactive
plots are enabled with ``Table#interactive_plots``
column_for_xticks (``str/array``): A column containing x-axis labels
overlay (bool): create a chart with one color per data column;
if False, each plot will be displayed separately.
show (bool): whether to show the figure if using interactive plots; if false, the figure
is returned instead
vargs: Additional arguments that get passed into `plt.plot`.
See http://matplotlib.org/api/pyplot_api.html#matplotlib.pyplot.plot
for additional arguments that can be passed into vargs.
ValueError -- Every selected column must be numerical.
Returns a line plot (connected scatter). Each plot is labeled using
the values in `column_for_xticks` and one plot is produced for all
other columns in self (or for the columns designated by `select`).
>>> table = Table().with_columns(
... 'days', make_array(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5),
... 'price', make_array(90.5, 90.00, 83.00, 95.50, 82.00, 82.00),
... 'projection', make_array(90.75, 82.00, 82.50, 82.50, 83.00, 82.50))
>>> table
days | price | projection
0 | 90.5 | 90.75
1 | 90 | 82
2 | 83 | 82.5
3 | 95.5 | 82.5
4 | 82 | 83
5 | 82 | 82.5
>>> table.plot('days') # doctest: +SKIP
<line graph with days as x-axis and lines for price and projection>
>>> table.plot('days', overlay=False) # doctest: +SKIP
<line graph with days as x-axis and line for price>
<line graph with days as x-axis and line for projection>
>>> table.plot('days', 'price') # doctest: +SKIP
<line graph with days as x-axis and line for price>
return self.iplot(column_for_xticks, select, overlay, width, height, **vargs)
options = self.default_options.copy()
if width is None:
width = self.default_width
if height is None:
height = self.default_width
if column_for_xticks is not None:
x_data, y_labels = self._split_column_and_labels(column_for_xticks)
x_label = self._as_label(column_for_xticks)
x_data, y_labels = None, self.labels
x_label = None
if select is not None:
y_labels = self._as_labels(select)
if x_data is not None:
self = self.sort(x_data)
x_data = np.sort(x_data)
def draw(axis, label, color):
if x_data is None:
axis.plot(self[label], color=color, **options)
axis.plot(x_data, self[label], color=color, **options)
self._visualize(x_label, y_labels, None, overlay, draw, _vertical_x, width=width, height=height)
def iplot(self, column_for_xticks=None, select=None, overlay=True, width=None, height=None, show=True, **vargs):
"""Plot interactive line charts for the table using plotly.
column_for_xticks (``str/array``): A column containing x-axis labels
overlay (bool): create a chart with one color per data column;
if False, each plot will be displayed separately.
width (int): the width (in pixels) of the plot area
height (int): the height (in pixels) of the plot area
show (bool): whether to show the figure; if false, the figure is returned instead
vargs (dict): additional kwargs passed to ``plotly.graph_objects.Figure.update_layout``
ValueError -- Every selected column must be numerical.
Returns a line plot (connected scatter). Each plot is labeled using
the values in `column_for_xticks` and one plot is produced for all
other columns in self (or for the columns designated by `select`).
>>> table = Table().with_columns(
... 'days', make_array(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5),
... 'price', make_array(90.5, 90.00, 83.00, 95.50, 82.00, 82.00),
... 'projection', make_array(90.75, 82.00, 82.50, 82.50, 83.00, 82.50))
>>> table
days | price | projection
0 | 90.5 | 90.75
1 | 90 | 82
2 | 83 | 82.5
3 | 95.5 | 82.5
4 | 82 | 83
5 | 82 | 82.5
>>> table.iplot("price", "projection") # doctest: +SKIP
<plotly line graph with days as x-axis and lines for price and projection>
>>> table.iplot("days", make_array("price", "projection")) # doctest: +SKIP
<plotly line graph with days as x-axis and line for price>
<plotly line graph with days as x-axis and line for projection>
>>> table.iplot("days", make_array("price", "projection"), overlay=False) # doctest: +SKIP
<plotly line graph with days as x-axis and line for price>
if go is None or make_subplots is None:
if column_for_xticks is not None:
x_data, y_labels = self._split_column_and_labels(column_for_xticks)
x_label = self._as_label(column_for_xticks)
x_data, y_labels = None, self.labels
x_label = None
if select is not None:
y_labels = self._as_labels(select)
if x_data is not None:
self = self.sort(x_data)
x_data = np.sort(x_data)
n = len(y_labels)
colors = list(itertools.islice(itertools.cycle(self.plotly_chart_colors), n))
if overlay:
fig = go.Figure()
for i, label in enumerate(y_labels):
yaxis_title=y_labels[0] if len(y_labels) == 1 else None,
fig = make_subplots(rows=n, cols=1)
for i, label in enumerate(y_labels):
row = i + 1,
col = 1,
fig.update_xaxes(title_text=column_for_xticks, row=i+1, col=1)
fig.update_yaxes(title_text=label, row=i+1, col=1)
height=height if height is not None else 400 * n,
if show:
return fig
def _ibar(self, orientation, column_for_categories=None, select=None, overlay=True, width=None, height=None, show=True, **vargs):
"""Plot interactive bar charts for the table using plotly.
orientation (str): either 'h' to produce a horizontal bar chart or 'v' to produce a
vertical bar chart.
column_for_categories (str): A column containing y-axis categories
used to create buckets for bar chart.
overlay (bool): create a chart with one color per data column;
if False, each will be displayed separately.
width (int): the width (in pixels) of the plot area
height (int): the height (in pixels) of the plot area
show (bool): whether to show the figure; if false, the figure is returned instead
vargs (dict): additional kwargs passed to ``plotly.graph_objects.Figure.update_layout``
ValueError -- Every selected except column for ``column_for_categories``
must be numerical.
Bar graph with buckets specified by ``column_for_categories``.
Each plot is labeled using the values in ``column_for_categories``
and one plot is produced for every other column (or for the columns
designated by ``select``).
assert orientation in ('h', 'v'), "orientation must be in ('h', 'v')"
horizontal = orientation == 'h'
if go is None or make_subplots is None:
def make_unique_labels(labels):
# Since Plotly bar charts don't allow duplicate labels, this function
# takes in a list of labels and pads duplicates with a unique amount of
# zero width white space.
unique_labels = list(set(labels))
if len(unique_labels) != len(labels):
space_count = dict(zip(unique_labels, [0] * len(unique_labels)))
updated_labels = [''] * len(labels)
for i in range(len(labels)):
updated_labels[i] = ''.join(['\u200c' * space_count[labels[i]], str(labels[i]), ' '])
space_count[labels[i]] += 1
return updated_labels
labels = ["".join([str(label), ' ']) for label in labels]
return labels
ticks, labels = self._split_column_and_labels(column_for_categories)
ticks = ticks[::-1] if horizontal else ticks
ticks_unique = make_unique_labels(ticks)
if select is not None:
labels = self._as_labels(select)
col_label = self._as_label(column_for_categories)
colors = list(itertools.islice(itertools.cycle(self.plotly_chart_colors), len(labels)))
bar_width = 20
margin = 5
if overlay:
height = max(len(ticks) * (margin + bar_width * len(labels)), 500)
subplot_height = max(len(ticks) * (margin + bar_width), 500)
height = subplot_height * len(labels)
if overlay:
fig = go.Figure()
if width:
fig.update_layout(width = width)
if height:
fig.update_layout(height = height)
for i in range(len(labels)):
if horizontal:
x = np.flip(self.column(labels[i]))
y = ticks_unique
hovertemplate = '(%{x}, %{customdata})'
x = ticks_unique
y = self.column(labels[i])
hovertemplate = '(%{customdata}, %{y})'
x = x,
y = y,
name = labels[i],
orientation = orientation,
marker_color = colors[i],
customdata = ticks,
hovertemplate = hovertemplate,
opacity = 0.7
if horizontal:
fig.update_xaxes(title_text = labels[0] if len(labels) == 1 else None)
fig.update_yaxes(title_text = col_label, type = 'category', dtick = 1, showticklabels = True)
fig.update_xaxes(title_text = col_label, type = 'category', dtick = 1, showticklabels = True)
fig.update_yaxes(title_text = labels[0] if len(labels) == 1 else None)
fig = make_subplots(rows = len(labels), cols = 1, vertical_spacing = 0.1, row_heights = [subplot_height] * len(labels))
if width:
fig.update_layout(width = width)
if height:
fig.update_layout(height = height)
for i in range(len(labels)):
if horizontal:
x = np.flip(self.column(labels[i]))
y = ticks_unique
hovertemplate = '(%{x}, %{customdata})'
x = ticks_unique
y = self.column(labels[i])
hovertemplate = '(%{customdata}, %{y})'
x = x,
y = y,
name = labels[i],
orientation = orientation,
customdata = ticks,
hovertemplate = hovertemplate,
marker_color = colors[i],
opacity = 0.7
), row = i + 1, col = 1)
if horizontal:
fig.update_yaxes(title_text = col_label, type = 'category', dtick = 1, showticklabels = True)
fig.update_xaxes(title_text = labels[i], row = i + 1, col = 1)
fig.update_yaxes(title_text = labels[i], row = i + 1, col = 1)
fig.update_xaxes(title_text = col_label, type = 'category', dtick = 1, showticklabels = True)
if show:
return fig
def bar(self, column_for_categories=None, select=None, overlay=True, width=None, height=None, **vargs):
"""Plot bar charts for the table.
Each plot is labeled using the values in `column_for_categories` and
one plot is produced for every other column (or for the columns
designated by `select`).
Every selected column except `column_for_categories` must be numerical.
column_for_categories (str): A column containing x-axis categories
overlay (bool): create a chart with one color per data column;
if False, each will be displayed separately.
vargs: Additional arguments that get passed into `plt.bar`.
See http://matplotlib.org/api/pyplot_api.html#matplotlib.pyplot.bar
for additional arguments that can be passed into vargs.
show = vargs.pop('show', True)
return self.ibar(
width = 6 if width is None else width
height = 4 if height is None else height
options = self.default_options.copy()
# Matplotlib tries to center the labels, but we already handle that
# TODO consider changing the custom centering code and using matplotlib's default
vargs['align'] = 'edge'
xticks, labels = self._split_column_and_labels(column_for_categories)
if select is not None:
labels = self._as_labels(select)
index = np.arange(self.num_rows)
def draw(axis, label, color):
axis.bar(index-0.5, self[label], 1.0, color=color, **options)
def annotate(axis, ticks):
if (ticks is not None):
tick_labels = [ticks[int(l)] if 0<=l<len(ticks) else '' for l in axis.get_xticks()]
axis.set_xticklabels(tick_labels, stretch='ultra-condensed')
self._visualize(column_for_categories, labels, xticks, overlay, draw, annotate, width=width, height=height)
def ibar(self, column_for_categories=None, select=None, overlay=True, width=None, height=None, show=True, **vargs):
"""Plot interactive bar charts for the table using plotly.
column_for_categories (str): A column containing y-axis categories
used to create buckets for bar chart.
overlay (bool): create a chart with one color per data column;
if False, each will be displayed separately.
width (int): the width (in pixels) of the plot area
height (int): the height (in pixels) of the plot area
show (bool): whether to show the figure; if false, the figure is returned instead
vargs (dict): additional kwargs passed to ``plotly.graph_objects.Figure.update_layout``
ValueError -- Every selected except column for ``column_for_categories``
must be numerical.
Bar graph with buckets specified by ``column_for_categories``.
Each plot is labeled using the values in ``column_for_categories``
and one plot is produced for every other column (or for the columns
designated by ``select``).
>>> t = Table().with_columns(
... 'Furniture', make_array('chairs', 'tables', 'desks'),
... 'Count', make_array(6, 1, 2),
... 'Price', make_array(10, 20, 30)
... )
>>> t
Furniture | Count | Price
chairs | 6 | 10
tables | 1 | 20
desks | 2 | 30
>>> furniture_table.ibar('Furniture') # doctest: +SKIP
<plotly bar graph with furniture as categories and bars for count and price>
>>> furniture_table.ibar('Furniture', 'Price') # doctest: +SKIP
<plotly bar graph with furniture as categories and bars for price>
>>> furniture_table.ibar('Furniture', make_array(1, 2)) # doctest: +SKIP
<plotly bar graph with furniture as categories and bars for count and price>
return self._ibar(
def group_bar(self, column_label, **vargs):
"""Plot a bar chart for the table.
The values of the specified column are grouped and counted, and one
bar is produced for each group.
Note: This differs from ``bar`` in that there is no need to specify
bar heights; the height of a category's bar is the number of copies
of that category in the given column. This method behaves more like
``hist`` in that regard, while ``bar`` behaves more like ``plot`` or
``scatter`` (which require the height of each point to be specified).
``column_label`` (str or int): The name or index of a column
overlay (bool): create a chart with one color per data column;
if False, each will be displayed separately.
width (float): The width of the plot, in inches
height (float): The height of the plot, in inches
vargs: Additional arguments that get passed into `plt.bar`.
See http://matplotlib.org/api/pyplot_api.html#matplotlib.pyplot.bar
for additional arguments that can be passed into vargs.
self.group(column_label).bar(column_label, **vargs)
def igroup_bar(self, column_label, **vargs):
"""Plot an interactive bar chart for the table.
The values of the specified column are grouped and counted, and one
bar is produced for each group.
Note: This differs from ``ibar`` in that there is no need to specify
bar heights; the height of a category's bar is the number of copies
of that category in the given column. This method behaves more like
``hist`` in that regard, while ``bar`` behaves more like ``plot`` or
``scatter`` (which require the height of each point to be specified).
``column_label`` (str or int): The name or index of a column
overlay (bool): create a chart with one color per data column;
if False, each will be displayed separately.
width (float): The width of the plot, in inches
height (float): The height of the plot, in inches
vargs: Additional arguments that get passed into `plt.bar`.
See http://matplotlib.org/api/pyplot_api.html#matplotlib.pyplot.bar
for additional arguments that can be passed into vargs.
self.group(column_label).ibar(column_label, **vargs)
def barh(self, column_for_categories=None, select=None, overlay=True, width=None, **vargs):
"""Plot horizontal bar charts for the table. Redirects to ``Table#ibarh`` if interactive plots
are enabled with ``Table#interactive_plots``
``column_for_categories`` (``str``): A column containing y-axis categories
used to create buckets for bar chart.
overlay (bool): create a chart with one color per data column;
if False, each will be displayed separately.
show (bool): whether to show the figure if using interactive plots; if false, the
figure is returned instead
vargs: Additional arguments that get passed into `plt.barh`.
See http://matplotlib.org/api/pyplot_api.html#matplotlib.pyplot.barh
for additional arguments that can be passed into vargs.
ValueError -- Every selected except column for ``column_for_categories``
must be numerical.
Horizontal bar graph with buckets specified by ``column_for_categories``.
Each plot is labeled using the values in ``column_for_categories``
and one plot is produced for every other column (or for the columns
designated by ``select``).
>>> t = Table().with_columns(
... 'Furniture', make_array('chairs', 'tables', 'desks'),
... 'Count', make_array(6, 1, 2),
... 'Price', make_array(10, 20, 30)
... )
>>> t
Furniture | Count | Price
chairs | 6 | 10
tables | 1 | 20
desks | 2 | 30
>>> t.barh('Furniture') # doctest: +SKIP
<bar graph with furniture as categories and bars for count and price>
>>> t.barh('Furniture', 'Price') # doctest: +SKIP
<bar graph with furniture as categories and bars for price>
>>> t.barh('Furniture', make_array(1, 2)) # doctest: +SKIP
<bar graph with furniture as categories and bars for count and price>
show = vargs.pop('show', True)
return self.ibarh(
options = self.default_options.copy()
# Matplotlib tries to center the labels, but we already handle that
# TODO consider changing the custom centering code and using matplotlib's default
vargs['align'] = 'edge'
if width is None:
width = self.default_width
yticks, labels = self._split_column_and_labels(column_for_categories)
if select is not None:
labels = self._as_labels(select)
n = len(labels)
index = np.arange(self.num_rows)
margin = 0.1
bwidth = 1 - 2 * margin
if overlay:
bwidth /= len(labels)
if 'height' in options:
height = options.pop('height')
height = max(4, len(index)/2)
def draw(axis, label, color):
if overlay:
ypos = index + margin + (1-2*margin)*(n - 1 - labels.index(label))/n
ypos = index
# barh plots entries in reverse order from bottom to top
axis.barh(ypos, self[label][::-1], bwidth, color=color, **options)
ylabel = self._as_label(column_for_categories)
def annotate(axis, ticks):
axis.set_yticks(index+0.5) # Center labels on bars
# barh plots entries in reverse order from bottom to top
axis.set_yticklabels(ticks[::-1], stretch='ultra-condensed')
self._visualize('', labels, yticks, overlay, draw, annotate, width=width, height=height)
def ibarh(self, column_for_categories=None, select=None, overlay=True, width=None, show=True, **vargs):
"""Plot interactive horizontal bar charts for the table using plotly.
column_for_categories (str): A column containing y-axis categories
used to create buckets for bar chart.
overlay (bool): create a chart with one color per data column;
if False, each will be displayed separately.
width (int): the width (in pixels) of the plot area
height (int): the height (in pixels) of the plot area
show (bool): whether to show the figure; if false, the figure is returned instead
vargs (dict): additional kwargs passed to ``plotly.graph_objects.Figure.update_layout``
ValueError -- Every selected except column for ``column_for_categories``
must be numerical.
Horizontal bar graph with buckets specified by ``column_for_categories``.
Each plot is labeled using the values in ``column_for_categories``
and one plot is produced for every other column (or for the columns
designated by ``select``).
>>> t = Table().with_columns(
... 'Furniture', make_array('chairs', 'tables', 'desks'),
... 'Count', make_array(6, 1, 2),
... 'Price', make_array(10, 20, 30)
... )
>>> t
Furniture | Count | Price
chairs | 6 | 10
tables | 1 | 20
desks | 2 | 30
>>> furniture_table.ibarh('Furniture') # doctest: +SKIP
<plotly bar graph with furniture as categories and bars for count and price>
>>> furniture_table.ibarh('Furniture', 'Price') # doctest: +SKIP
<plotly bar graph with furniture as categories and bars for price>
>>> furniture_table.ibarh('Furniture', make_array(1, 2)) # doctest: +SKIP
<plotly bar graph with furniture as categories and bars for count and price>
return self._ibar(
def group_barh(self, column_label, **vargs):
"""Plot a horizontal bar chart for the table.
The values of the specified column are grouped and counted, and one
bar is produced for each group.
Note: This differs from ``barh`` in that there is no need to specify
bar heights; the size of a category's bar is the number of copies
of that category in the given column. This method behaves more like
``hist`` in that regard, while ``barh`` behaves more like ``plot`` or
``scatter`` (which require the second coordinate of each point to be
specified in another column).
``column_label`` (str or int): The name or index of a column
overlay (bool): create a chart with one color per data column;
if False, each will be displayed separately.
width (float): The width of the plot, in inches
height (float): The height of the plot, in inches
vargs: Additional arguments that get passed into `plt.bar`.
See http://matplotlib.org/api/pyplot_api.html#matplotlib.pyplot.bar
for additional arguments that can be passed into vargs.
self.group(column_label).barh(column_label, **vargs)
def igroup_barh(self, column_label, **vargs):
"""Plot an interactive horizontal bar chart for the table.
The values of the specified column are grouped and counted, and one
bar is produced for each group.
Note: This differs from ``ibarh`` in that there is no need to specify
bar heights; the size of a category's bar is the number of copies
of that category in the given column. This method behaves more like
``hist`` in that regard, while ``barh`` behaves more like ``plot`` or
``scatter`` (which require the second coordinate of each point to be
specified in another column).
``column_label`` (str or int): The name or index of a column
overlay (bool): create a chart with one color per data column;
if False, each will be displayed separately.
width (float): The width of the plot, in inches
height (float): The height of the plot, in inches
vargs: Additional arguments that get passed into `plt.bar`.
See http://matplotlib.org/api/pyplot_api.html#matplotlib.pyplot.bar
for additional arguments that can be passed into vargs.
self.group(column_label).ibarh(column_label, **vargs)
def scatter(self, column_for_x, select=None, overlay=True, fit_line=False,
group=None, labels=None, sizes=None, width=None, height=None, s=20, **vargs):
"""Creates scatterplots, optionally adding a line of best fit. Redirects to ``Table#iscatter``
if interactive plots are enabled with ``Table#interactive_plots``
``column_for_x`` (``str``): the column to use for the x-axis values
and label of the scatter plots.
``overlay`` (``bool``): if true, creates a chart with one color
per data column; if false, each plot will be displayed separately.
``fit_line`` (``bool``): draw a line of best fit for each set of points.
``vargs``: additional arguments that get passed into `plt.scatter`.
see http://matplotlib.org/api/pyplot_api.html#matplotlib.pyplot.scatter
for additional arguments that can be passed into vargs. these
include: `marker` and `norm`, to name a couple.
``group``: a column of categories to be used for coloring dots per
each category grouping.
``labels``: a column of text labels to annotate dots.
``sizes``: a column of values to set the relative areas of dots.
``s``: size of dots. if sizes is also provided, then dots will be
in the range 0 to 2 * s.
``colors``: (deprecated) A synonym for ``group``. Retained
temporarily for backwards compatibility. This argument
will be removed in future releases.
``show`` (``bool``): whether to show the figure if using interactive plots; if false,
the figure is returned instead
ValueError -- Every column, ``column_for_x`` or ``select``, must be numerical
Scatter plot of values of ``column_for_x`` plotted against
values for all other columns in self. Each plot uses the values in
`column_for_x` for horizontal positions. One plot is produced for
all other columns in self as y (or for the columns designated by
>>> table = Table().with_columns(
... 'x', make_array(9, 3, 3, 1),
... 'y', make_array(1, 2, 2, 10),
... 'z', make_array(3, 4, 5, 6))
>>> table
x | y | z
9 | 1 | 3
3 | 2 | 4
3 | 2 | 5
1 | 10 | 6
>>> table.scatter('x') # doctest: +SKIP
<scatterplot of values in y and z on x>
>>> table.scatter('x', overlay=False) # doctest: +SKIP
<scatterplot of values in y on x>
<scatterplot of values in z on x>
>>> table.scatter('x', fit_line=True) # doctest: +SKIP
<scatterplot of values in y and z on x with lines of best fit>
return self.iscatter(
column_for_x = column_for_x,
select = select,
overlay = overlay,
fit_line = fit_line,
group = group,
labels = labels,
sizes = sizes,
s = s / 4, # Plotly dot sizes are much smaller, so divide s by 4
width = width,
height = height,
if width is None:
width = 5
if height is None:
height = 5
options = self.default_options.copy()
x_data, y_labels = self._split_column_and_labels(column_for_x)
if "colors" in vargs and vargs["colors"]:
warnings.warn("scatter(colors=x) has been removed. Use scatter(group=x)", FutureWarning)
if group is not None:
if sizes is not None:
if select is not None:
y_labels = self._as_labels(select)
if len(y_labels) > 1 and group is not None and overlay:
# warnings.warn("Group and overlay are incompatible in a scatter")
# Warning commented out as fix for issue # 507
# When multiple columns are on the y-axis, overlay will be set to False without any unnecessary warnings
overlay = False
def draw(axis, label, color):
if group is not None:
colored = sorted(np.unique(self.column(group)))
color_list = list(itertools.islice(itertools.cycle(self.chart_colors), len(colored)))
color_map = collections.OrderedDict(zip(colored, color_list))
color = [color_map[x] for x in self.column(group)]
elif 'color' in options:
color = options.pop('color')
y_data = self[label]
if sizes is not None:
max_size = max(self[sizes]) ** 0.5
size = 2 * s * self[sizes] ** 0.5 / max_size
size = s
axis.scatter(x_data, y_data, color=color, s=size, **options)
if fit_line:
m, b = np.polyfit(x_data, self[label], 1)
minx, maxx = np.min(x_data),np.max(x_data)
axis.plot([minx,maxx],[m*minx+b,m*maxx+b], color=color)
if labels is not None:
for x, y, label in zip(x_data, y_data, self[labels]):
axis.annotate(label, (x, y),
xytext=(-20, 20),
textcoords='offset points', ha='right', va='bottom',
bbox=dict(boxstyle='round,pad=0.5', fc='white', alpha=0.7),
arrowprops = dict(arrowstyle = '->', connectionstyle = 'arc3,rad=0', color='black'))
if group is not None:
import matplotlib.patches as mpatches
group_col_name = self._as_label(group)
patches = [mpatches.Patch(color=c, label="{0}={1}".format(group_col_name, v)) \
for (v, c) in color_map.items()]
axis.legend(loc=2, bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 1), handles=patches)
x_label = self._as_label(column_for_x)
self._visualize(x_label, y_labels, None, overlay, draw, _vertical_x, width=width, height=height)
def iscatter(self, column_for_x, select=None, overlay=True, fit_line=False,
group=None, labels=None, sizes=None, width=None, height=None, s=5,
show=True, **vargs):
"""Creates interactive scatterplots, optionally adding a line of best fit, using plotly.
``column_for_x`` (``str``): The column to use for the x-axis values
and label of the scatter plots.
``overlay`` (``bool``): If true, creates a chart with one color
per data column; if False, each plot will be displayed separately.
``fit_line`` (``bool``): draw a line of best fit for each set of points.
``group``: A column of categories to be used for coloring dots per
each category grouping.
``labels``: A column of text labels to annotate dots.
``sizes``: A column of values to set the relative areas of dots.
``width`` (``int``): the width (in pixels) of the plot area
``height`` (``int``): the height (in pixels) of the plot area
``s``: Size of dots. If sizes is also provided, then dots will be
in the range 0 to 2 * s.
``colors``: (deprecated) A synonym for ``group``. Retained
temporarily for backwards compatibility. This argument
will be removed in future releases.
``show`` (``bool``): whether to show the figure; if false, the figure is returned instead
``vargs`` (``dict``): additional kwargs passed to
ValueError -- Every column, ``column_for_x`` or ``select``, must be numerical
Scatter plot of values of ``column_for_x`` plotted against
values for all other columns in self. Each plot uses the values in
`column_for_x` for horizontal positions. One plot is produced for
all other columns in self as y (or for the columns designated by
>>> table = Table().with_columns(
... 'x', make_array(9, 3, 3, 1),
... 'y', make_array(1, 2, 2, 10),
... 'z', make_array(3, 4, 5, 6))
>>> table
x | y | z
9 | 1 | 3
3 | 2 | 4
3 | 2 | 5
1 | 10 | 6
>>> table.iscatter('x') # doctest: +SKIP
<plotly scatterplot of values in y and z on x>
>>> table.iscatter('x', overlay=False) # doctest: +SKIP
<plotly scatterplot of values in y on x>
<plotly scatterplot of values in z on x>
>>> table.iscatter('x', fit_line=True) # doctest: +SKIP
<plotly scatterplot of values in y and z on x with lines of best fit>
if go is None or make_subplots is None:
x_data, y_labels = self._split_column_and_labels(column_for_x)
# if group is not None and colors is not None and group != colors:
# warnings.warn("Do not pass both colors and group to scatter().")
# if group is None and colors is not None:
# # Backward compatibility
# group = colors
# # TODO: In a future release, warn that this is deprecated.
# # Deprecated
# warnings.warn("scatter(colors=x) is deprecated. Use scatter(group=x)", FutureWarning)
if "colors" in vargs and vargs["colors"]:
warnings.warn("scatter(colors=x) has been removed. Use scatter(group=x)", FutureWarning)
if group is not None:
if sizes is not None:
if select is not None:
y_labels = self._as_labels(select)
if len(y_labels) > 1 and group is not None and overlay:
# warnings.warn("Group and overlay are incompatible in a scatter")
# Warning commented out as fix for issue # 507
# When multiple columns are on the y-axis, overlay will be set to False without any unnecessary warnings
overlay = False
if group is not None and fit_line:
# The current implementation of scatter will error if group is specified and fit_line
# are both specified, so this condition just does not draw a fit line
warnings.warn("Group and fit line are incompatible in a scatter")
fit_line = False
group_vals = []
if group:
group_vals = list(set(self[group]))
grouped_x_data = []
for val in group_vals:
grouped_x_data.append(x_data[self.column(group) == val])
overlay = False
colors = list(itertools.islice(itertools.cycle(self.plotly_chart_colors), max(len(y_labels), len(group_vals))))
size = None
if sizes is not None:
max_size = max(self[sizes]) ** 0.5
size = 2 * s * self[sizes] ** 0.5 / max_size
size = s
if overlay:
fig = go.Figure()
if width:
fig.update_layout(width = width)
if height:
fig.update_layout(height = height)
for i, label in enumerate(y_labels):
x = x_data,
y = self[label],
name = label,
marker_color = colors[i],
marker = dict(size = size),
mode = "markers+text" if labels else "markers",
text = self[labels] if labels else None,
textposition = "bottom center",
textfont = dict(color = colors[i])
if fit_line:
m, b = np.polyfit(x_data, self[label], 1)
x = x_data,
y = m * x_data + b,
name = " ".join([label, "best fit line"]),
marker_color = colors[i],
hovertemplate = "".join([str(m), " * x + ", str(b)]),
mode = "lines"
xaxis_title = column_for_x,
yaxis_title = y_labels[0] if len(y_labels) == 1 else None,
fig = make_subplots(rows = len(y_labels), cols = 1, x_title=column_for_x)
for i, label in enumerate(y_labels):
if not group:
x = x_data,
y = self[label],
name = label,
marker_color = colors[i],
marker = dict(size = size),
mode = "markers+text" if labels else "markers",
text = self[labels] if labels else None,
textposition = "bottom center",
textfont = dict(color = colors[i])
), row = i + 1, col = 1)
if fit_line:
m, b = np.polyfit(x_data, self[label], 1)
x = x_data,
y = m * x_data + b,
name = " ".join([label, "best fit line"]),
marker_color = colors[i],
hovertemplate = "".join([str(m), " * x + ", str(b)]),
mode = "lines"
), row = i + 1, col = 1)
grouped_y_data = []
for val in group_vals:
grouped_y_data.append(self[label][self.column(group) == val])
for group_index in range(len(group_vals)):
if group_index == 0:
x = grouped_x_data[group_index],
y = grouped_y_data[group_index],
name = "=".join([group, str(group_vals[group_index])]),
marker_color = colors[group_index],
marker = dict(size = size),
mode = "markers+text" if labels else "markers",
showlegend = i == 0,
text = self[labels] if labels else None,
textposition = "bottom center",
textfont = dict(color = colors[i])
), row = i + 1, col = 1)
x = grouped_x_data[group_index],
y = grouped_y_data[group_index],
name = "=".join([group, str(group_vals[group_index])]),
marker_color = colors[group_index],
marker = dict(size = size),
mode = "markers+text" if labels else "markers",
showlegend = i == 0,
text = self[labels] if labels else None,
textposition = "bottom center",
textfont = dict(color = colors[i])
), row = i + 1, col = 1)
fig.update_yaxes(title_text = label, row = i + 1, col = 1)
if height is not None:
plot_height = height
elif bool(group):
plot_height = None
plot_height = 400 * max(len(y_labels), len(group_vals))
if show:
return fig
def scatter3d(self, column_for_x, column_for_y, select=None, overlay=True, fit_line=False,
group=None, labels=None, sizes=None, width=None, height=None, s=5,
colors=None, **vargs):
"""Convenience wrapper for ``Table#iscatter3d``
Creates 3D scatterplots by calling ``Table#iscatter3d`` with the same arguments. Cannot be
used if interactive plots are not enabled (by calling ``Table#interactive_plots``).
``column_for_x`` (``str``): The column to use for the x-axis values
and label of the scatter plots.
``column_for_y`` (``str``): The column to use for the y-axis values
and label of the scatter plots.
``overlay`` (``bool``): If true, creates a chart with one color
per data column; if False, each plot will be displayed separately.
``group``: A column of categories to be used for coloring dots per
each category grouping.
``labels``: A column of text labels to annotate dots.
``sizes``: A column of values to set the relative areas of dots.
``width`` (``int``): the width (in pixels) of the plot area
``height`` (``int``): the height (in pixels) of the plot area
``s``: Size of dots. If sizes is also provided, then dots will be
in the range 0 to 2 * s.
``colors``: (deprecated) A synonym for ``group``. Retained
temporarily for backwards compatibility. This argument
will be removed in future releases.
``show`` (``bool``): whether to show the figure; if false, the figure is returned instead
``vargs`` (``dict``): additional kwargs passed to
AssertionError -- Interactive plots must be enabled by calling ``Table#interactive_plots``
ValueError -- Every column, ``column_for_x``, ``column_for_x``, or ``select``, must be
Scatter plot of values of ``column_for_x`` and ``column_for_y`` plotted against
values for all other columns in self.
>>> table = Table().with_columns(
... 'x', make_array(9, 3, 3, 1),
... 'y', make_array(1, 2, 2, 10),
... 'z1', make_array(3, 4, 5, 6),
... 'z2', make_array(0, 2, 1, 0))
>>> table
x | y | z1 | z2
9 | 1 | 3 | 0
3 | 2 | 4 | 2
3 | 2 | 5 | 1
1 | 10 | 6 | 0
>>> table.iscatter3d('x', 'y') # doctest: +SKIP
<plotly 3D scatterplot of values in z1 and z2 on x and y>
>>> table.iscatter3d('x', 'y', overlay=False) # doctest: +SKIP
<plotly 3D scatterplot of values in z1 on x and y>
<plotly 3D scatterplot of values in z2 on x and y
# can't use scatter3d if not interactive mode; just a wrapper for iscatter3d
raise RuntimeError(
"scatter3d is a wrapper for iscatter3d and can only be called when "
"interactive plots are enabled"
column_for_x, column_for_y, select, overlay, fit_line,
group, labels, sizes, width, height, s, colors, **vargs
def iscatter3d(self, column_for_x, column_for_y, select=None, overlay=True, fit_line=False,
group=None, labels=None, sizes=None, width=None, height=None, s=5,
colors=None, show=True, **vargs):
"""Creates interactive 3D scatterplots using plotly.
``column_for_x`` (``str``): The column to use for the x-axis values
and label of the scatter plots.
``column_for_y`` (``str``): The column to use for the y-axis values
and label of the scatter plots.
``overlay`` (``bool``): If true, creates a chart with one color
per data column; if False, each plot will be displayed separately.
``group``: A column of categories to be used for coloring dots per
each category grouping.
``labels``: A column of text labels to annotate dots.
``sizes``: A column of values to set the relative areas of dots.
``width`` (``int``): the width (in pixels) of the plot area
``height`` (``int``): the height (in pixels) of the plot area
``s``: Size of dots. If sizes is also provided, then dots will be
in the range 0 to 2 * s.
``colors``: (deprecated) A synonym for ``group``. Retained
temporarily for backwards compatibility. This argument
will be removed in future releases.
``show`` (``bool``): whether to show the figure; if false, the figure is returned instead
``vargs`` (``dict``): additional kwargs passed to
ValueError -- Every column, ``column_for_x``, ``column_for_x``, or ``select``, must be
Scatter plot of values of ``column_for_x`` and ``column_for_y`` plotted against
values for all other columns in self.
>>> table = Table().with_columns(
... 'x', make_array(9, 3, 3, 1),
... 'y', make_array(1, 2, 2, 10),
... 'z1', make_array(3, 4, 5, 6),
... 'z2', make_array(0, 2, 1, 0))
>>> table
x | y | z1 | z2
9 | 1 | 3 | 0
3 | 2 | 4 | 2
3 | 2 | 5 | 1
1 | 10 | 6 | 0
>>> table.iscatter3d('x', 'y') # doctest: +SKIP
<plotly 3D scatterplot of values in z1 and z2 on x and y>
>>> table.iscatter3d('x', 'y', overlay=False) # doctest: +SKIP
<plotly 3D scatterplot of values in z1 on x and y>
<plotly 3D scatterplot of values in z2 on x and y
if go is None or make_subplots is None:
x_data, y_data, z_labels = self._split_column_and_labels([column_for_x, column_for_y])
if fit_line:
warnings.warn("fit_line is currently unsupported by iscatter3d", UserWarning)
fit_line = False
if group is not None and colors is not None and group != colors:
warnings.warn("Do not pass both colors and group to scatter3d")
if group is None and colors is not None:
# Backward compatibility
group = colors
# TODO: In a future release, warn that this is deprecated.
# Deprecated
warnings.warn("scatter(colors=x) is deprecated. Use scatter(group=x)", FutureWarning)
if group is not None:
if sizes is not None:
if select is not None:
z_labels = self._as_labels(select)
if len(z_labels) > 1 and group is not None and overlay:
#warnings.warn("Group and overlay are incompatible in a scatter")
# Warning commented out as fix for issue # 507
# When multiple columns are on the z-axis, overlay will be set to False without any unnecessary warnings
overlay = False
if group is not None and fit_line:
# The current implementation of scatter will error if group is specified and fit_line
# are both specified, so this condition just does not draw a fit line
warnings.warn("Group and fit line are incompatible in a scatter")
fit_line = False
group_vals = []
if group:
group_vals = list(set(self[group]))
grouped_x_data = []
for val in group_vals:
grouped_x_data.append(x_data[self.column(group) == val])
grouped_y_data = []
for val in group_vals:
grouped_y_data.append(y_data[self.column(group) == val])
overlay = False
colors = list(itertools.islice(itertools.cycle(self.plotly_chart_colors), max(len(z_labels), len(group_vals))))
size = None
if sizes is not None:
max_size = max(self[sizes]) ** 0.5
size = 2 * s * self[sizes] ** 0.5 / max_size
size = s
if overlay:
fig = go.Figure()
if width:
fig.update_layout(width = width)
if height:
fig.update_layout(height = height)
for i, label in enumerate(z_labels):
x = x_data,
y = y_data,
z = self[label],
name = label,
marker_color = colors[i],
marker = dict(size = size),
mode = "markers+text" if labels else "markers",
text = self[labels] if labels else None,
textposition = "bottom center",
textfont = dict(color = colors[i])
xaxis_title = column_for_x,
yaxis_title = column_for_y,
zaxis_title = z_labels[0] if len(z_labels) == 1 else "",
fig = make_subplots(
rows = len(z_labels),
cols = 1,
specs=[[{"type": "scene"}] for _ in range(len(z_labels))]
for i, label in enumerate(z_labels):
if not group:
x = x_data,
y = y_data,
z = self[label],
name = label,
marker_color = colors[i],
marker = dict(size = size),
mode = "markers+text" if labels else "markers",
text = self[labels] if labels else None,
textposition = "bottom center",
textfont = dict(color = colors[i]),
), row = i + 1, col = 1)
grouped_z_data = []
for val in group_vals:
grouped_z_data.append(self[label][self.column(group) == val])
for group_index in range(len(group_vals)):
if group_index == 0:
x = grouped_x_data[group_index],
y = grouped_y_data[group_index],
z = grouped_z_data[group_index],
name = "=".join([group, str(group_vals[group_index])]),
marker_color = colors[group_index],
marker = dict(size = size),
mode = "markers+text" if labels else "markers",
showlegend = i == 0,
text = self[labels] if labels else None,
textposition = "bottom center",
textfont = dict(color = colors[i])
), row = i + 1, col = 1)
x = grouped_x_data[group_index],
y = grouped_y_data[group_index],
z = grouped_z_data[group_index],
name = "=".join([group, str(group_vals[group_index])]),
marker_color = colors[group_index],
marker = dict(size = size),
mode = "markers+text" if labels else "markers",
showlegend = i == 0,
text = self[labels] if labels else None,
textposition = "bottom center",
textfont = dict(color = colors[i])
), row = i + 1, col = 1)
for scene, label in zip(fig.select_scenes(), z_labels):
scene["xaxis_title_text"] = column_for_x
scene["yaxis_title_text"] = column_for_y
scene["zaxis_title_text"] = label
if height is not None:
plot_height = height
elif len(z_labels) > 1:
plot_height = 600 * len(z_labels)
plot_height = None
if show:
return fig
def _visualize(self, x_label, y_labels, ticks, overlay, draw, annotate, width=6, height=4):
"""Generic visualization that overlays or separates the draw function.
ValueError: The Table contains non-numerical values in columns
other than `column_for_categories`
for label in y_labels:
if not all(isinstance(x, numbers.Real) for x in self[label]):
raise ValueError("The column '{0}' contains non-numerical "
"values. A plot cannot be drawn for this column."
n = len(y_labels)
colors = list(itertools.islice(itertools.cycle(self.chart_colors), n))
if overlay and n > 1:
_, axis = plt.subplots(figsize=(width, height))
if x_label is not None:
for label, color in zip(y_labels, colors):
draw(axis, label, color)
if ticks is not None:
annotate(axis, ticks)
axis.legend(y_labels, loc=2, bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 1))
fig, axes = plt.subplots(n, 1, figsize=(width, height*n))
if not isinstance(axes, collections.abc.Iterable):
for axis, y_label, color in zip(axes, y_labels, colors):
draw(axis, y_label, color)
axis.set_ylabel(y_label, fontsize=16)
if x_label is not None:
axis.set_xlabel(x_label, fontsize=16)
if ticks is not None:
annotate(axis, ticks)
def _split_column_and_labels(self, column_or_label):
"""Return the specified column and labels of other columns."""
if isinstance(column_or_label, list):
columns = tuple(None if col is None else self._get_column(col) for col in column_or_label)
labels = [label for i, label in enumerate(self.labels) if i not in column_or_label and label not in column_or_label]
return columns + (labels,)
column = None if column_or_label is None else self._get_column(column_or_label)
labels = [label for i, label in enumerate(self.labels) if column_or_label not in (i, label)]
return column, labels
# Deprecated
def pivot_hist(self, pivot_column_label, value_column_label, overlay=True, width=6, height=4, **vargs):
Draw histograms of each category in a column. (Deprecated)
Recommended: Use hist(value_column_label, group=pivot_column_label), or with side_by_side=True if you really want side-by-side bars.
warnings.warn("pivot_hist is deprecated; use "
"hist(value_column_label, group=pivot_column_label), or "
"with side_by_side=True if you really want side-by-side "
pvt_labels = np.unique(self[pivot_column_label])
pvt_columns = [self[value_column_label][np.where(self[pivot_column_label] == pivot)] for pivot in pvt_labels]
n = len(pvt_labels)
colors = list(itertools.islice(itertools.cycle(self.chart_colors), n))
if overlay:
plt.figure(figsize=(width, height))
vals, bins, patches = plt.hist(pvt_columns, color=colors, **vargs)
_, axes = plt.subplots(n, 1, figsize=(width, height * n))
vals = []
bins = None
for axis, label, column, color in zip(axes, pvt_labels, pvt_columns, colors):
if isinstance(bins, np.ndarray):
avals, abins, patches = axis.hist(column, color=color, bins=bins, **vargs)
avals, abins, patches = axis.hist(column, color=color, **vargs)
axis.set_xlabel(label, fontsize=16)
if not isinstance(bins, np.ndarray):
bins = abins
assert bins.all() == abins.all(), "Inconsistent bins in hist"
t = type(self)()
t['start'] = bins[0:-1]
t['end'] = bins[1:]
for label, column in zip(pvt_labels,vals):
t[label] = column
def ihist(self, *columns, overlay=True, bins=None, bin_column=None, unit=None, counts=None, group=None,
side_by_side=False, left_end=None, right_end=None, width=None, height=None, density=True,
shade_split="split", rug=False, show=True, **vargs):
"""Plots interactive histograms for each column in columns using plotly. If no column is
specified, plot all columns.
overlay (bool): If True, plots 1 chart with all the histograms
overlaid on top of each other (instead of the default behavior
of one histogram for each column in the table). Also adds a
legend that matches each bar color to its column. Note that
if the histograms are not overlaid, they are not forced to the
same scale.
bins (list or int): Lower bound for each bin in the
histogram or number of bins. If None, bins will
be chosen automatically.
bin_column (column name or index): A column of bin lower bounds.
All other columns are treated as counts of these bins.
If None, each value in each row is assigned a count of 1.
counts (column name or index): Deprecated name for bin_column.
unit (string): A name for the units of the plotted column (e.g.
'kg'), to be used in the plot.
group (column name or index): A column of categories. The rows are
grouped by the values in this column, and a separate histogram is
generated for each group. The histograms are overlaid or plotted
separately depending on the overlay argument. If None, no such
grouping is done.
rug (bool): Whether to include a rug plot along the horizontal axis
with tick marks at each data point. Makes sense only when plotting
one histogram per set of axes, so ``overlay`` must be ``False`` of
``len(columns)`` must be 1. Ignored if these conditions are not met.
side_by_side (bool): Whether histogram bins should be plotted side by
side (instead of directly overlaid). Makes sense only when
plotting multiple histograms, either by passing several columns
or by using the group option.
left_end (int or float) and right_end (int or float): (Not supported
for overlayed histograms) The left and right edges of the shading of
the histogram. If only one of these is None, then that property
will be treated as the extreme edge of the histogram. If both are
left None, then no shading will occur.
density (boolean): If True, will plot a density distribution of the data.
Otherwise plots the counts.
shade_split (string, {"whole", "new", "split"}): If left_end or
right_end are specified, shade_split determines how a bin is split
that the end falls between two bin endpoints. If shade_split = "whole",
the entire bin will be shaded. If shade_split = "new", then a new bin
will be created and data split appropriately. If shade_split = "split",
the data will first be placed into the original bins, and then separated
into two bins with equal height.
show (bool): whether to show the figure; if false, the figure is returned instead
vargs (dict): additional kwargs passed to
>>> t = Table().with_columns(
... 'count', make_array(9, 3, 3, 1),
... 'points', make_array(1, 2, 2, 10))
>>> t
count | points
9 | 1
3 | 2
3 | 2
1 | 10
>>> t.ihist() # doctest: +SKIP
<plotly histogram of values in count>
<plotly histogram of values in points>
>>> t = Table().with_columns(
... 'value', make_array(101, 102, 103),
... 'proportion', make_array(0.25, 0.5, 0.25))
>>> t.ihist(bin_column='value') # doctest: +SKIP
<plotly histogram of values weighted by corresponding proportions>
>>> t = Table().with_columns(
... 'value', make_array(1, 2, 3, 2, 5 ),
... 'category', make_array('a', 'a', 'a', 'b', 'b'))
>>> t.ihist('value', group='category') # doctest: +SKIP
<two overlaid plotly histograms of the data [1, 2, 3] and [2, 5]>
if go is None or make_subplots is None:
if counts is not None and bin_column is None:
warnings.warn("counts arg of hist is deprecated; use bin_column")
if columns:
columns_included = list(columns)
if bin_column is not None:
if group is not None:
self = self.select(*columns_included)
if group is not None:
if bin_column is not None:
raise ValueError("Using bin_column and group together is "
"currently unsupported.")
if len(columns) > 1:
raise ValueError("Using group with multiple histogram value "
"columns is currently unsupported.")
# Check for non-numerical values and raise a ValueError if any found
for col in self:
if col != group and any(isinstance(cell, np.flexible) for cell in self[col]):
raise ValueError("The column '{0}' contains non-numerical "
"values. A histogram cannot be drawn for this table."
if bin_column is not None and bins is None:
bins = np.unique(self.column(bin_column))
def prepare_hist_with_bin_column(bin_column):
# This code is factored as a function for clarity only.
weight_columns = [c for c in self.labels if c != bin_column]
bin_values = self.column(bin_column)
values_dict = [(w[:-6] if w.endswith(' count') else w, (bin_values, self.column(w))) \
for w in weight_columns]
return values_dict
def prepare_hist_with_group(group):
# This code is factored as a function for clarity only.
grouped = self.group(group, np.array)
if grouped.num_rows > 20:
warnings.warn("It looks like you're making a grouped histogram with "
"a lot of groups ({:d}), which is probably incorrect."
return [("{}={}".format(group, k), (v[0][1],)) for k, v in grouped.index_by(group).items()]
# Populate values_dict: An ordered dict from column name to singleton
# tuple of array of values or a (values, weights) pair of arrays. If
# any values have weights, they all must have weights.
if bin_column is not None:
values_dict = prepare_hist_with_bin_column(bin_column)
elif group is not None:
values_dict = prepare_hist_with_group(group)
values_dict = [(k, (self.column(k),)) for k in self.labels]
values_dict = collections.OrderedDict(values_dict)
n = len(values_dict)
# Define boolean indicating if there needs to be multiple sets of bins
multiple_bins = (not overlay) and n > 1
data_max = max([max(arr[0]) for arr in values_dict.values()])
data_min = min([min(arr[0]) for arr in values_dict.values()])
# Creating bins
iterable_bin_types = set((list, np.ndarray, tuple))
if multiple_bins:
bins_dict = dict()
for k in values_dict.keys():
values = values_dict[k][0]
if type(bins) == np.integer or type(bins) == int:
bins_for_key = np.linspace(min(values), max(values), bins + 1)
elif type(bins) in iterable_bin_types:
bins_for_key = np.array(bins).astype(float)
bins_for_key = np.linspace(min(values), max(values), 11)
bins_dict[k] = bins_for_key
bins = bins_dict
if type(bins) == np.integer or type(bins) == int:
bins = np.linspace(data_min, data_max, bins + 1)
elif type(bins) in iterable_bin_types:
bins = np.array(bins).astype(float)
# Chose 11 (creates 10 bins) since default setting for matplotlib
# is to create 10 bins
bins = np.linspace(data_min, data_max, 11)
def insert_ordered(nums, item):
# Utility function, orderly inserts n into arr given arr is sorted
# Also returns the index n was inserted at
left = 0
right = len(nums) - 1
while left <= right:
mid = (left + right) // 2
if (nums[mid] == item):
return mid, np.insert(nums, mid, item)
elif (nums[mid] > item):
right = mid - 1
left = mid + 1
return left, np.insert(nums, left, item)
# Adding bins if shade_split = "new"
if shade_split == "new":
if multiple_bins:
for k in bins.keys():
data_min = min(values_dict[k][0])
data_max = max(values_dict[k][0])
if right_end is not None and data_min < right_end < data_max:
_, bins[k] = insert_ordered(bins[k], right_end)
if left_end is not None and data_min < left_end < data_max:
_, bins[k] = insert_ordered(bins[k], left_end)
if right_end is not None and data_min < right_end < data_max:
_, bins = insert_ordered(bins, right_end)
if left_end is not None and data_min < left_end < data_max:
_, bins = insert_ordered(bins, left_end)
# Getting bin widths and midpoints
def get_widths_and_midpoints(bins):
widths = np.zeros(len(bins) - 1)
for i in range(len(bins) - 1):
widths[i] = max(bins[i + 1] - bins[i], 0)
bin_mids = bins[:-1] + widths / 2
return widths, bin_mids
if multiple_bins:
widths = dict()
bin_mids = dict()
for k in bins.keys():
widths[k], bin_mids[k] = get_widths_and_midpoints(bins[k])
widths, bin_mids = get_widths_and_midpoints(bins)
# Get heights of each bar
def get_bar_heights(vals, bins, widths):
if len(vals) == 1:
data = vals[0]
inds = np.digitize(data, bins)
heights = np.zeros(len(bins) - 1)
for e in inds:
if 0 < e < len(bins):
heights[e - 1] += 1
if density:
with np.errstate(divide = "ignore", invalid = "ignore"):
# With custom bins that have edges on the max value in dataset,
# could produce a truedivide warning. This line just temporarily
# ignores that warning.
heights = 100 * heights / np.dot(heights, widths)
return heights
with np.errstate(divide = "ignore", invalid = "ignore"):
heights = np.zeros(len(bins) - 1)
for i, left_endpoint in enumerate(vals[0]):
ind = np.digitize(left_endpoint, bins) - 1
heights[ind] = vals[1][i]
return 100 * heights / np.dot(heights, widths)
heights = dict()
for k in values_dict.keys():
if multiple_bins:
heights[k] = get_bar_heights(values_dict[k], bins[k], widths[k])
heights[k] = get_bar_heights(values_dict[k], bins, widths)
# Dealing with shaded_split = "split" case where two bins of same height
# are produced at left_end or right_end
if shade_split == "split":
if multiple_bins:
for k in heights.keys():
bin_min, bin_max = bins[k][0], bins[k][-1]
i = -1
if right_end is not None and bin_min < right_end < bin_max:
i, bins[k] = insert_ordered(bins[k], right_end)
heights[k] = np.insert(heights[k], i, heights[k][i - 1])
if left_end is not None and bin_min < left_end < bin_max:
i, bins[k] = insert_ordered(bins[k], left_end)
heights[k] = np.insert(heights[k], i, heights[k][i - 1])
if i != -1:
widths[k], bin_mids[k] = get_widths_and_midpoints(bins[k])
bin_min, bin_max = bins[0], bins[-1]
shaded = False
if right_end is not None and bin_min < right_end < bin_max:
i, bins = insert_ordered(bins, right_end)
for k in heights.keys():
heights[k] = np.insert(heights[k], i, heights[k][i - 1])
shaded = True
if left_end is not None and bin_min < left_end < bin_max:
i, bins = insert_ordered(bins, left_end)
for k in heights.keys():
heights[k] = np.insert(heights[k], i, heights[k][i - 1])
shaded = True
if shaded:
widths, bin_mids = get_widths_and_midpoints(bins)
# Formatter function for bin_ranges, 6 significant figures
bin_range_formatter = lambda tup: "".join(["(", str(float("%.6g" % tup[0])), ", ", str(float("%.6g" % tup[1])), ")"])
# Getting range of bins
if multiple_bins:
bin_ranges = dict()
for k in bins.keys():
bin_ranges[k] = list(zip(bins[k], np.insert(bins[k], len(bins[k]), max(values_dict[k][0]))[1:]))
bin_ranges[k] = list(map(bin_range_formatter, bin_ranges[k]))
bin_ranges = list(zip(bins, np.insert(bins, len(bins), data_max)[1:]))
bin_ranges = list(map(bin_range_formatter, bin_ranges))
colors = list(itertools.islice(itertools.cycle(self.plotly_chart_colors),
n + int(left_end is not None or right_end is not None)))
def get_shaded_colors(bins, left_end, right_end, i):
# Handles colors for shading, returns colors and boolean indicating if anything was shaded
left_end_ind = np.digitize(left_end, bins) - 1 if left_end is not None else len(bins)
right_end_ind = np.digitize(right_end, bins) - 1 if right_end is not None else -1
if left_end is not None or right_end is not None:
if i >= 1: # Gold is reserved for shading
i += 1
shade_color = colors[1]
bin_colors = [colors[i]] * (len(bins) - 1)
if left_end == right_end:
return False, bin_colors
elif left_end is not None and right_end is None:
for shade_ind in range(left_end_ind, len(bin_colors)):
bin_colors[shade_ind] = shade_color
elif left_end is None and right_end is not None:
for shade_ind in range(right_end_ind + int(shade_split == "whole")):
bin_colors[shade_ind] = shade_color
elif left_end < right_end:
for shade_ind in range(max(left_end_ind, 0), min(right_end_ind + int(shade_split == "whole"), len(bin_colors))):
bin_colors[shade_ind] = shade_color
elif left_end > right_end:
for shade_ind in range(right_end_ind):
bin_colors[shade_ind] = shade_color
for shade_ind in range(left_end_ind, len(bin_colors)):
bin_colors[shade_ind] = shade_color
return True, bin_colors
return False, colors[i]
def get_text_and_template(shaded, marker_colors, heights, widths):
# Returns text and hovertemplate
text = []
if density:
hovertemplate = "Bin Endpoints: %{customdata}<br>Bar Height: %{y}"
if shaded and not side_by_side:
shaded_mask = np.array(marker_colors) == colors[1]
shaded_percentage = np.dot(shaded_mask * heights[k], widths)
text = [""] * len(marker_colors)
shaded_template = "<br>Shaded Area Percentage: " if shade_split == "new" else "<br>Shaded Area Percentage (Approx.): "
unshaded_template = "<br>Unshaded Area Percentage: " if shade_split == "new" else "<br>Shaded Area Percentage (Approx.): "
for i, color in enumerate(marker_colors):
if color == colors[1]:
text[i] = "".join([shaded_template, str(float("%.6g" % shaded_percentage))])
text[i] = "".join([unshaded_template, str(float("%.6g" % (100 - shaded_percentage)))])
hovertemplate = "Bin Endpoints: %{customdata}<br>Bar Height: %{y}"
if shaded and not side_by_side:
shaded_mask = np.array(marker_colors) == colors[1]
count_sum = sum(shaded_mask * heights[k])
unshaded_count_sum = sum(heights[k]) - count_sum
text = [""] * len(marker_colors)
shaded_template = "<br>Shaded Count Sum: " if shade_split == "new" else "<br>Shaded Count Sum (Approx.): "
unshaded_template = "<br>Unshaded Count Sum: " if shade_split == "new" else "<br>Shaded Count Sum (Approx.): "
for i, color in enumerate(marker_colors):
if color == colors[1]:
text[i] = "".join([shaded_template, str(float("%.6g" % count_sum))])
text[i] = "".join([unshaded_template, str(float("%.6g" % unshaded_count_sum))])
if len(text) > 0:
hovertemplate = "".join([hovertemplate, "%{text}"])
text = None
return text, hovertemplate
if rug and overlay and n > 1:
warnings.warn("Cannot plot overlaid rug plots; rug=True ignored")
rug = False
if n == 1 or overlay:
fig = go.Figure()
fig.update_layout(barmode = "overlay")
if width:
fig.update_layout(width = width)
if height:
fig.update_layout(height = height)
for i, k in enumerate(heights.keys()):
shaded, marker_colors = get_shaded_colors(bins, left_end, right_end, i)
text, hovertemplate = get_text_and_template(shaded, marker_colors, heights, widths)
x = bin_mids,
y = heights[k],
marker_color = marker_colors,
text = text,
customdata = bin_ranges[k] if multiple_bins else bin_ranges,
width = None if side_by_side else widths,
name = k,
opacity = 0.7,
hovertemplate = hovertemplate
if rug:
x = values_dict[k][0],
y = np.zeros_like(values_dict[k][0]),
mode = "markers",
marker = dict(
symbol = "line-ns-open",
color = "black",
size = 10,
opacity = 1,
title_text = "".join([
"Percent Per " if density else "Count",
(unit if unit else "Unit") if density else ""
automargin = True
title_text = " ".join([
"".join(["(", unit, ")"]) if unit else ""
]) if len(heights.keys()) == 1 else None
if side_by_side:
# Default behavior for side by side with the Matplotlib hist function is to use
# plot the counts; however, since this function has to be passed the density param
# from the hist function and density = True by default, default behavior for side
# by side is to plot density unless density = False.
fig.update_layout(barmode = "group")
fig = make_subplots(
rows = n,
cols = 1,
if width:
fig.update_layout(width = width)
fig.update_layout(height = height if height is not None else 400 * n, showlegend = False)
for i, k in enumerate(heights.keys()):
trace_bins = bins[k] if multiple_bins else bins
trace_widths = widths[k] if multiple_bins else widths
shaded, marker_colors = get_shaded_colors(bins[k], left_end, right_end, i)
text, hovertemplate = get_text_and_template(shaded, marker_colors, heights, trace_widths)
x = bin_mids[k] if multiple_bins else bin_mids,
y = heights[k],
marker_color = marker_colors,
text = text,
customdata = bin_ranges[k] if multiple_bins else bin_ranges,
width = trace_widths,
name = k,
opacity = 0.7,
hovertemplate = hovertemplate
), row = i + 1, col = 1)
if rug:
x = values_dict[k][0],
y = np.zeros_like(values_dict[k][0]),
mode = "markers",
), row = i + 1, col = 1)
if rug:
x = values_dict[k][0],
y = np.zeros_like(values_dict[k][0]),
mode = "markers",
marker = dict(
symbol = "line-ns-open",
color = "black",
size = 10,
opacity = 1,
row = i + 1, col = 1
title_text = "".join([
"Percent Per " if density else "Count",
(unit if unit else "Unit") if density else ""
automargin = True,
row = i + 1,
col = 1
title_text = " ".join([
"".join(["(", unit, ")"]) if unit else ""
row = i + 1,
col = 1
if show:
return fig
def hist(self, *columns, overlay=True, bins=None, bin_column=None, unit=None, counts=None, group=None,
rug=False, side_by_side=False, left_end=None, right_end=None, width=None, height=None, **vargs):
"""Plots one histogram for each column in columns. If no column is
specified, plot all columns. If interactive plots are enabled via ``Table#interactive_plots``,
redirects plotting to plotly with ``Table#ihist``.
overlay (bool): If True, plots 1 chart with all the histograms
overlaid on top of each other (instead of the default behavior
of one histogram for each column in the table). Also adds a
legend that matches each bar color to its column. Note that
if the histograms are not overlaid, they are not forced to the
same scale.
bins (list or int): Lower bound for each bin in the
histogram or number of bins. If None, bins will
be chosen automatically.
bin_column (column name or index): A column of bin lower bounds.
All other columns are treated as counts of these bins.
If None, each value in each row is assigned a count of 1.
counts (column name or index): Deprecated name for bin_column.
unit (string): A name for the units of the plotted column (e.g.
'kg'), to be used in the plot.
group (column name or index): A column of categories. The rows are
grouped by the values in this column, and a separate histogram is
generated for each group. The histograms are overlaid or plotted
separately depending on the overlay argument. If None, no such
grouping is done.
side_by_side (bool): Whether histogram bins should be plotted side by
side (instead of directly overlaid). Makes sense only when
plotting multiple histograms, either by passing several columns
or by using the group option.
left_end (int or float) and right_end (int or float): (Not supported
for overlayed histograms) The left and right edges of the shading of
the histogram. If only one of these is None, then that property
will be treated as the extreme edge of the histogram. If both are
left None, then no shading will occur.
density (boolean): If True, will plot a density distribution of the data.
Otherwise plots the counts.
shade_split (string, {"whole", "new", "split"}): If left_end or
right_end are specified, shade_split determines how a bin is split
that the end falls between two bin endpoints. If shade_split = "whole",
the entire bin will be shaded. If shade_split = "new", then a new bin
will be created and data split appropriately. If shade_split = "split",
the data will first be placed into the original bins, and then separated
into two bins with equal height.
show (bool): whether to show the figure for interactive plots; if false, the figure is
returned instead
vargs: Additional arguments that get passed into :func:plt.hist.
See http://matplotlib.org/api/pyplot_api.html#matplotlib.pyplot.hist
for additional arguments that can be passed into vargs. These
include: `range`, `normed`/`density`, `cumulative`, and
`orientation`, to name a few.
>>> t = Table().with_columns(
... 'count', make_array(9, 3, 3, 1),
... 'points', make_array(1, 2, 2, 10))
>>> t
count | points
9 | 1
3 | 2
3 | 2
1 | 10
>>> t.hist() # doctest: +SKIP
<histogram of values in count>
<histogram of values in points>
>>> t = Table().with_columns(
... 'value', make_array(101, 102, 103),
... 'proportion', make_array(0.25, 0.5, 0.25))
>>> t.hist(bin_column='value') # doctest: +SKIP
<histogram of values weighted by corresponding proportions>
>>> t = Table().with_columns(
... 'value', make_array(1, 2, 3, 2, 5 ),
... 'category', make_array('a', 'a', 'a', 'b', 'b'))
>>> t.hist('value', group='category') # doctest: +SKIP
<two overlaid histograms of the data [1, 2, 3] and [2, 5]>
# Matplotlib has deprecated the normed keyword.
# TODO consider changing this function to use density= instead too
if 'normed' not in vargs and 'density' not in vargs:
vargs['density'] = True
elif 'normed' in vargs and 'density' not in vargs:
vargs['density'] = vargs.pop('normed')
elif 'normed' in vargs and 'density' in vargs:
raise ValueError("You can't specify both normed and density. "
"Use one or the other.")
if "shade_split" not in vargs:
vargs["shade_split"] = "split"
return self.ihist(
overlay = overlay,
bins = bins,
bin_column = bin_column,
unit = unit,
counts = counts,
group = group,
side_by_side = side_by_side,
left_end = left_end,
right_end = right_end,
width = width,
height = height,
rug = rug,
if width is None:
width = self.default_width
if height is None:
height = self.default_height
if counts is not None and bin_column is None:
warnings.warn("counts arg of hist is deprecated; use bin_column")
if columns:
columns_included = list(columns)
if bin_column is not None:
if group is not None:
self = self.select(*columns_included)
if group is not None:
if bin_column is not None:
raise ValueError("Using bin_column and group together is "
"currently unsupported.")
if len(columns) > 1:
raise ValueError("Using group with multiple histogram value "
"columns is currently unsupported.")
# Check for non-numerical values and raise a ValueError if any found
for col in self:
if col != group and any(isinstance(cell, np.flexible) for cell in self[col]):
raise ValueError("The column '{0}' contains non-numerical "
"values. A histogram cannot be drawn for this table."
if bin_column is not None and bins is None:
bins = np.unique(self.column(bin_column))
if bins is not None:
vargs['bins'] = bins
def prepare_hist_with_bin_column(bin_column):
# This code is factored as a function for clarity only.
weight_columns = [c for c in self.labels if c != bin_column]
bin_values = self.column(bin_column)
values_dict = [(w[:-6] if w.endswith(' count') else w, (bin_values, self.column(w))) \
for w in weight_columns]
return values_dict
def prepare_hist_with_group(group):
# This code is factored as a function for clarity only.
grouped = self.group(group, np.array)
if grouped.num_rows > 20:
warnings.warn("It looks like you're making a grouped histogram with "
"a lot of groups ({:d}), which is probably incorrect."
return [("{}={}".format(group, k), (v[0][1],)) for k, v in grouped.index_by(group).items()]
# Populate values_dict: An ordered dict from column name to singleton
# tuple of array of values or a (values, weights) pair of arrays. If
# any values have weights, they all must have weights.
if bin_column is not None:
values_dict = prepare_hist_with_bin_column(bin_column)
elif group is not None:
values_dict = prepare_hist_with_group(group)
values_dict = [(k, (self.column(k),)) for k in self.labels]
values_dict = collections.OrderedDict(values_dict)
if left_end is not None or right_end is not None:
if left_end is None:
if bins is not None and bins[0]:
left_end = bins[0]
left_end = min([min(self.column(k)) for k in self.labels if np.issubdtype(self.column(k).dtype, np.number)])
elif right_end is None:
if bins is not None and bins[-1]:
right_end = bins[-1]
right_end = max([max(self.column(k)) for k in self.labels if np.issubdtype(self.column(k).dtype, np.number)])
def draw_hist(values_dict):
# Check if np.printoptions is set to legacy. Throw UserWarning if not
if np.get_printoptions()['legacy'] != '1.13':
warnings.warn("We've detected you're not using the '1.13' legacy setting for `np.printoptions`. "
"This may cause excessive error terms in your plots. We recommend solving this by running the "
"following code: `np.set_printoptions(legacy='1.13')`", UserWarning)
# This code is factored as a function for clarity only.
n = len(values_dict)
colors = [rgb_color + (self.default_alpha,) for rgb_color in
itertools.islice(itertools.cycle(self.chart_colors), n)]
hist_names = list(values_dict.keys())
values = [v[0] for v in values_dict.values()]
weights = [v[1] for v in values_dict.values() if len(v) > 1]
if n > len(weights) > 0:
raise ValueError("Weights were provided for some columns, but not "
" all, and that's not supported.")
if rug and overlay and n > 1:
warnings.warn("Cannot plot overlaid rug plots; rug=True ignored", UserWarning)
if vargs['density']:
y_label = 'Percent per ' + (unit if unit else 'unit')
percentage = plt.FuncFormatter(lambda x, _: "{:g}".format(100*x))
y_label = 'Count'
if overlay and n > 1:
# Reverse because legend prints bottom-to-top
values = values[::-1]
weights = weights[::-1]
colors = list(colors)[::-1]
if len(weights) == n:
vargs['weights'] = weights
if not side_by_side:
vargs.setdefault('histtype', 'stepfilled')
figure = plt.figure(figsize=(width, height))
plt.hist(values, color=colors, **vargs)
# if rug:
# plt.scatter(values, np.zeros_like(values), marker="|", color=colors)
axis = figure.get_axes()[0]
if vargs['density']:
x_unit = ' (' + unit + ')' if unit else ''
if group is not None and len(self.labels) == 2:
#There's a grouping in place but we're only plotting one column's values
label_not_grouped = [l for l in self.labels if l != group][0]
axis.set_xlabel(label_not_grouped + x_unit, fontsize=16)
axis.set_xlabel(x_unit, fontsize=16)
plt.legend(hist_names, loc=2, bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 1))
_, axes = plt.subplots(n, 1, figsize=(width, height * n))
if 'bins' in vargs:
bins = vargs['bins']
if isinstance(bins, numbers.Integral) and bins > 76 or hasattr(bins, '__len__') and len(bins) > 76:
# Use stepfilled when there are too many bins
vargs.setdefault('histtype', 'stepfilled')
if n == 1:
axes = [axes]
for i, (axis, hist_name, values_for_hist, color) in enumerate(zip(axes, hist_names, values, colors)):
if vargs['density']:
x_unit = ' (' + unit + ')' if unit else ''
if len(weights) == n:
vargs['weights'] = weights[i]
axis.set_xlabel(hist_name + x_unit, fontsize=16)
heights, bins, patches = axis.hist(values_for_hist, color=color, **vargs)
if left_end is not None and right_end is not None:
x_shade, height_shade, width_shade = _compute_shading(heights, bins.copy(), left_end, right_end)
axis.bar(x_shade, height_shade, width=width_shade,
color=self.chart_colors[1], align="edge")
if rug:
axis.scatter(values_for_hist, np.zeros_like(values_for_hist), marker="|",
color="black", s=100, zorder=10)
def hist_of_counts(self, *columns, overlay=True, bins=None, bin_column=None,
group=None, side_by_side=False, width=None, height=None, **vargs):
Plots one count-based histogram for each column in columns. The
heights of each bar will represent the counts, and all the bins
must be of equal size.
If no column is specified, plot all columns.
overlay (bool): If True, plots 1 chart with all the histograms
overlaid on top of each other (instead of the default behavior
of one histogram for each column in the table). Also adds a
legend that matches each bar color to its column. Note that
if the histograms are not overlaid, they are not forced to the
same scale.
bins (array or int): Lower bound for each bin in the
histogram or number of bins. If None, bins will
be chosen automatically.
bin_column (column name or index): A column of bin lower bounds.
All other columns are treated as counts of these bins.
If None, each value in each row is assigned a count of 1.
group (column name or index): A column of categories. The rows are
grouped by the values in this column, and a separate histogram is
generated for each group. The histograms are overlaid or plotted
separately depending on the overlay argument. If None, no such
grouping is done.
side_by_side (bool): Whether histogram bins should be plotted side by
side (instead of directly overlaid). Makes sense only when
plotting multiple histograms, either by passing several columns
or by using the group option.
vargs: Additional arguments that get passed into :func:plt.hist.
See http://matplotlib.org/api/pyplot_api.html#matplotlib.pyplot.hist
for additional arguments that can be passed into vargs. These
include: `range`, `cumulative`, and
`orientation`, to name a few.
>>> t = Table().with_columns(
... 'count', make_array(9, 3, 3, 1),
... 'points', make_array(1, 2, 2, 10))
>>> t
count | points
9 | 1
3 | 2
3 | 2
1 | 10
>>> t.hist_of_counts() # doctest: +SKIP
<histogram of values in count with counts on y-axis>
<histogram of values in points with counts on y-axis>
>>> t = Table().with_columns(
... 'value', make_array(101, 102, 103),
... 'count', make_array(5, 10, 5))
>>> t.hist_of_counts(bin_column='value') # doctest: +SKIP
<histogram of values weighted by corresponding counts>
>>> t = Table().with_columns(
... 'value', make_array(1, 2, 3, 2, 5 ),
... 'category', make_array('a', 'a', 'a', 'b', 'b'))
>>> t.hist('value', group='category') # doctest: +SKIP
<two overlaid histograms of the data [1, 2, 3] and [2, 5]>
if bin_column is not None and bins is None:
bins = np.unique(self.column(bin_column))
# TODO ensure counts are integers even when `columns` is empty
for column in columns:
if not _is_array_integer(self.column(column)):
raise ValueError('The column {0} contains non-integer values '
'When using hist_of_counts with bin_columns, '
'all columns should contain counts.'
if vargs.get('normed', False) or vargs.get('density', False):
raise ValueError("hist_of_counts is for displaying counts only, "
"and should not be used with the normed or "
"density keyword arguments")
vargs['density'] = False
if bins is not None:
if len(bins) < 2:
raise ValueError("bins must have at least two items")
diffs = np.diff(sorted(bins))
# Diffs should all be equal (up to floating point error)
normalized_diff_deviances = np.abs((diffs - diffs[0])/diffs[0])
if np.any(normalized_diff_deviances > 1e-11):
raise ValueError("Bins of unequal size should not be used "
"with hist_of_counts. Please use hist() and "
"make sure to set normed=True")
return self.hist(*columns, overlay=overlay, bins=bins, bin_column=bin_column, group=group, side_by_side=side_by_side, width=width, height=height, **vargs)
def boxplot(self, **vargs):
"""Plots a boxplot for the table.
Every column must be numerical.
vargs: Additional arguments that get passed into `plt.boxplot`.
See http://matplotlib.org/api/pyplot_api.html#matplotlib.pyplot.boxplot
for additional arguments that can be passed into vargs. These include
`vert` and `showmeans`.
ValueError: The Table contains columns with non-numerical values.
>>> table = Table().with_columns(
... 'test1', make_array(92.5, 88, 72, 71, 99, 100, 95, 83, 94, 93),
... 'test2', make_array(89, 84, 74, 66, 92, 99, 88, 81, 95, 94))
>>> table
test1 | test2
92.5 | 89
88 | 84
72 | 74
71 | 66
99 | 92
100 | 99
95 | 88
83 | 81
94 | 95
93 | 94
>>> table.boxplot() # doctest: +SKIP
<boxplot of test1 and boxplot of test2 side-by-side on the same figure>
>>> table2 = Table().with_columns(
... 'numeric_col', make_array(1, 2, 3, 4),
... 'alpha_col', make_array('a', 'b', 'c', 'd'))
>>> table2.boxplot()
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: The column 'alpha_col' contains non-numerical values. A boxplot cannot be drawn for this table.
# Check for non-numerical values and raise a ValueError if any found
for col in self:
if any(isinstance(cell, np.flexible) for cell in self[col]):
raise ValueError("The column '{0}' contains non-numerical "
"values. A boxplot cannot be drawn for this table."
columns = self._columns.copy()
vargs['labels'] = columns.keys()
values = list(columns.values())
plt.boxplot(values, **vargs)
# Support #
class Row(tuple):
_table = None # Set by subclasses in Rows
def __getattr__(self, column_label):
return self[self._table.column_index(column_label)]
except ValueError: #adding support for NumPy v1.18.0 as per changes in https://github.com/numpy/numpy/pull/14745
raise AttributeError("Attribute ({0}) not found in row.".format(column_label))
def item(self, index_or_label):
"""Return the item at an index or label."""
if isinstance(index_or_label, numbers.Integral):
index = index_or_label
index = self._table.column_index(index_or_label)
return self[index]
def __repr__(self):
return 'Row({})'.format(', '.join('{}={}'.format(
self._table.labels[i], v.__repr__()) for i, v in enumerate(self)))
def asdict(self):
return collections.OrderedDict(zip(self._table.labels, self))
class Rows(collections.abc.Sequence):
An iterable view over the rows in a table.
>>> t = Table().with_columns({
... 'letter': ['a', 'b', 'c', 'z'],
... 'count': [ 9, 3, 3, 1],
... 'points': [ 1, 2, 2, 10],
... })
>>> rows = Table.Rows(t)
>>> rows
Rows(letter | count | points
a | 9 | 1
b | 3 | 2
c | 3 | 2
z | 1 | 10)
table: accepts a table instance of class Table
An instance of Rows class
def __init__(self, table):
self._table = table
self._labels = None
def __getitem__(self, i):
Access the i-th row of the given table.
rows[i] is equivalent to rows.__getitem__(i)
>>> t = Table().with_columns({
... 'letter': ['a', 'b', 'c', 'z'],
... 'count': [ 9, 3, 3, 1],
... 'points': [ 1, 2, 2, 10],
... })
>>> rows = Table.Rows(t)
>>> rows[0]
Row(letter='a', count=9, points=1)
i: index of the Row that needs to be accessed.
Returns a Row instance containing the i-th row of the given table
if isinstance(i, slice):
return (self[j] for j in range(*i.indices(len(self))))
labels = tuple(self._table.labels)
if labels != self._labels:
self._labels = labels
self._row = type('Row', (Table.Row, ), dict(_table=self._table))
return self._row(c[i] for c in self._table._columns.values())
def __len__(self):
Returns the number of rows in the table.
>>> t = Table().with_columns({
... 'letter': ['a', 'b', 'c', 'z'],
... 'count': [ 9, 3, 3, 1],
... 'points': [ 1, 2, 2, 10],
... })
>>> rows = Table.Rows(t)
>>> len(rows)
return self._table.num_rows
def __repr__(self):
Returns the printable representation of the given table as string.
Uses the standard repr() function.
repr(rows) is equivalent to rows.__repr__()
>>> t = Table().with_columns({
... 'letter': ['a', 'b', 'c', 'z'],
... 'count': [ 9, 3, 3, 1],
... 'points': [ 1, 2, 2, 10],
... })
>>> rows = Table.Rows(t)
>>> repr(rows)
'Rows(letter | count | points\\na | 9 | 1\\nb | 3 | 2\\nc | 3 | 2\\nz | 1 | 10)'
return '{0}({1})'.format(type(self).__name__, repr(self._table))
def _is_array_integer(arr):
"""Returns True if an array contains integers (integer type or near-int
float values) and False otherwise.
>>> _is_array_integer(np.arange(10))
>>> _is_array_integer(np.arange(7.0, 20.0, 1.0))
>>> _is_array_integer(np.arange(0, 1, 0.1))
return issubclass(arr.dtype.type, np.integer) or np.allclose(arr, np.round(arr))
def _zero_on_type_error(column_fn):
"""Wrap a function on an np.ndarray to return 0 on a type error."""
if not column_fn:
return column_fn
if not callable(column_fn):
raise TypeError('column functions must be callable')
def wrapped(column):
return column_fn(column)
except TypeError:
if isinstance(column, np.ndarray):
return column.dtype.type() # A typed zero value
return wrapped
def _compute_shading(heights, bins, left_end, right_end):
shade_start_idx = np.max(np.where(bins <= left_end)[0], initial=0)
shade_end_idx = np.max(np.where(bins < right_end)[0], initial=0) + 1
# x_shade are the bin starts, so ignore bins[-1], which is the RHS of the last bin
x_shade = bins[:-1][shade_start_idx:shade_end_idx]
height_shade = heights[shade_start_idx:shade_end_idx]
width_shade = np.diff(bins[shade_start_idx:(shade_end_idx+1)])
if left_end > x_shade[0]:
# shrink the width by the unshaded area, then move the bin start
width_shade[0] -= (left_end - x_shade[0])
x_shade[0] = left_end
original_ending = (x_shade[-1] + width_shade[-1])
if right_end < original_ending:
width_shade[-1] -= (original_ending - right_end)
return x_shade, height_shade, width_shade
def _fill_with_zeros(partials, rows, zero=None):
"""Find and return values from rows for all partials. In cases where no
row matches a partial, zero is assumed as value. For a row, the first
(n-1) fields are assumed to be the partial, and the last field,
the value, where n is the total number of fields in each row. It is
assumed that there is a unique row for each partial.
partials -- single field values or tuples of field values
rows -- table rows
zero -- value used when no rows match a particular partial
assert len(rows) > 0
if not _util.is_non_string_iterable(partials):
# Convert partials to tuple for comparison against row slice later
partials = [(partial,) for partial in partials]
# Construct mapping of partials to values in rows
mapping = {}
for row in rows:
mapping[tuple(row[:-1])] = row[-1]
if zero is None:
# Try to infer zero from given row values.
array = np.array(tuple(mapping.values()))
if len(array.shape) == 1:
zero = array.dtype.type()
return np.array([mapping.get(partial, zero) for partial in partials])
def _as_labels(column_or_columns):
"""Return a list of labels for a label or labels."""
if not _util.is_non_string_iterable(column_or_columns):
return [column_or_columns]
return column_or_columns
def _varargs_labels_as_list(label_list):
"""Return a list of labels for a list of labels or singleton list of list
of labels."""
if len(label_list) == 0:
return []
elif not _util.is_non_string_iterable(label_list[0]):
# Assume everything is a label. If not, it'll be caught later.
return label_list
elif len(label_list) == 1:
return label_list[0]
raise ValueError("Labels {} contain more than list.".format(label_list),
"Pass just one list of labels.")
def _assert_same(values):
"""Assert that all values are identical and return the unique value."""
assert len(values) > 0
first, rest = values[0], values[1:]
for v in rest:
assert (v == first) or (pandas.isnull(v) and pandas.isnull(first))
return first
def _collected_label(collect, label):
"""Label of a collected column."""
if not collect.__name__.startswith('<'):
return label + ' ' + collect.__name__
return label
def _vertical_x(axis, ticks=None, max_width=5):
"""Switch labels to vertical if they are long."""
if ticks is None:
ticks = axis.get_xticks()
if (np.array(ticks) == np.rint(ticks)).all():
ticks = np.rint(ticks).astype(np.int64)
if max([len(str(tick)) for tick in ticks]) > max_width:
axis.set_xticklabels(ticks, rotation='vertical')
# Slicing support #
class _RowSelector(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):
def __init__(self, table):
self._table = table
def __call__(self, row_numbers_or_slice, *args):
if args:
all_args = list(args)
all_args.insert(0, row_numbers_or_slice)
all_args = np.array(all_args)
all_args = row_numbers_or_slice
return self.__getitem__(all_args)
def __getitem__(self, item):
raise NotImplementedError()
class _RowTaker(_RowSelector):
def __getitem__(self, row_indices_or_slice):
"""Return a new Table with selected rows taken by index.
``row_indices_or_slice`` (integer or array of integers):
The row index, list of row indices or a slice of row indices to
be selected.
A new instance of ``Table`` with selected rows in order
corresponding to ``row_indices_or_slice``.
``IndexError``, if any ``row_indices_or_slice`` is out of bounds
with respect to column length.
>>> grades = Table().with_columns('letter grade',
... make_array('A+', 'A', 'A-', 'B+', 'B', 'B-'),
... 'gpa', make_array(4, 4, 3.7, 3.3, 3, 2.7))
>>> grades
letter grade | gpa
A+ | 4
A | 4
A- | 3.7
B+ | 3.3
B | 3
B- | 2.7
>>> grades.take(0)
letter grade | gpa
A+ | 4
>>> grades.take(-1)
letter grade | gpa
B- | 2.7
>>> grades.take(make_array(2, 1, 0))
letter grade | gpa
A- | 3.7
A | 4
A+ | 4
>>> grades.take[:3]
letter grade | gpa
A+ | 4
A | 4
A- | 3.7
>>> grades.take(np.arange(0,3))
letter grade | gpa
A+ | 4
A | 4
A- | 3.7
>>> grades.take(0, 2)
letter grade | gpa
A+ | 4
A- | 3.7
>>> grades.take(10)
Traceback (most recent call last):
IndexError: index 10 is out of bounds for axis 0 with size 6
if isinstance(row_indices_or_slice, collections.abc.Iterable):
columns = [np.take(column, row_indices_or_slice, axis=0)
for column in self._table._columns.values()]
return self._table._with_columns(columns)
rows = self._table.rows[row_indices_or_slice]
if isinstance(rows, Table.Row):
rows = [rows]
return self._table._with_columns(zip(*rows))
class _RowExcluder(_RowSelector):
def __getitem__(self, row_indices_or_slice):
"""Return a new Table without a sequence of rows excluded by number.
``row_indices_or_slice`` (integer or list of integers or slice):
The row index, list of row indices or a slice of row indices
to be excluded.
A new instance of ``Table``.
>>> t = Table().with_columns(
... 'letter grade', make_array('A+', 'A', 'A-', 'B+', 'B', 'B-'),
... 'gpa', make_array(4, 4, 3.7, 3.3, 3, 2.7))
>>> t
letter grade | gpa
A+ | 4
A | 4
A- | 3.7
B+ | 3.3
B | 3
B- | 2.7
>>> t.exclude(4)
letter grade | gpa
A+ | 4
A | 4
A- | 3.7
B+ | 3.3
B- | 2.7
>>> t.exclude(-1)
letter grade | gpa
A+ | 4
A | 4
A- | 3.7
B+ | 3.3
B | 3
>>> t.exclude(make_array(1, 3, 4))
letter grade | gpa
A+ | 4
A- | 3.7
B- | 2.7
>>> t.exclude(range(3))
letter grade | gpa
B+ | 3.3
B | 3
B- | 2.7
>>> t.exclude(0, 2)
letter grade | gpa
A | 4
B+ | 3.3
B | 3
B- | 2.7
Note that ``exclude`` also supports NumPy-like indexing and slicing:
>>> t.exclude[:3]
letter grade | gpa
B+ | 3.3
B | 3
B- | 2.7
>>> t.exclude[1, 3, 4]
letter grade | gpa
A+ | 4
A- | 3.7
B- | 2.7
if isinstance(row_indices_or_slice, collections.abc.Iterable):
without_row_indices = set(row_indices_or_slice)
rows = [row for index, row in enumerate(self._table.rows[:])
if index not in without_row_indices]
return self._table._with_columns(zip(*rows))
row_slice = row_indices_or_slice
if not isinstance(row_slice, slice):
row_slice %= self._table.num_rows
row_slice = slice(row_slice, row_slice+1)
rows = itertools.chain(self._table.rows[:row_slice.start or 0],
return self._table._with_columns(zip(*rows))
# For Sphinx: grab the docstrings from `Taker.__getitem__` and `Withouter.__getitem__`
Table.take.__doc__ = _RowTaker.__getitem__.__doc__
Table.exclude.__doc__ = _RowExcluder.__getitem__.__doc__